GGG - Issue 30 - 211.52.5

Falconian Republic Assimilated into Dewiek Elder Nation
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

It's a very uncommon decision for the leader of a sovereign nation to let their political identity be merged into that of another nation, and with that all of their assets and claims. But that is exactly what Consul Armand chose for the Falconian Republic (FCN) when they were absorbed by the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN). We spoke with him to try to understand this surprising move.

GGG: The announcement of the merging of the FCN into the DEN was a surprise to many people. What were the reasons for this political change?

Armand: Auguries all predicted the end of the FCN on this day. Many noble houses had planned to prevent this, yet it took Armand the Clever Magpie to turn this event to a triumph.

GGG: What is to become of the current assets and claims of the FCN? Are they all going to be simply reflagged DEN or is there a more complicated plan in motion?

Armand: All will be DEN.

GGG: What changes will the DEN make to accommodate the Falconians? Will they change the name of their nation to something like the Dewiek and Falconian Nation?

Armand: Falconians ask for no accommodations. We will show our value within the DEN as we showed our worth in the Consortium.

GGG: Falconians and Dewiek can be the best of friends but there will always be a fundamental separation between the two races, as the Falconians lack the empathic abilities of the Dewiek. Do you fear that, as a consequence, the Falconians could eventually become "second class citizens" of the Dewiek Elder Nation?

Armand: We embrace our differences and celebrate our similarities. Falconians will operate to our strengths as Falconians and Dewiek to their strengths as Dewiek. We are each poorly equipped to pretend to be the other. There are no second class citizens in Dewiek society.

GGG: The Dewiek seem to be a belligerent race by nature, and much more so recently under the command of Adoqhina. The Falconians, however, seem to be a much more diplomatic race. How do you expect those two stances to coexist under the same affiliation? And are the Falconians really willing and prepared to become entangled in all the fights the DEN like to pick?

Armand: You and your readership are unworthy to understand or judge the honour of the Dewiek Nation and its leader. I would suggest you never voice this question to them. DEN belligerent? Pick fights? How can you say such a thing? [Editor's note: In the last couple of months the DEN were engaged in battle with CNF, GTT, HLQ and RVN, and insulted members of the DTR, FEL, FET, RVN, and perhaps others. This is why we call them belligerent.] And the diplomatic Falconians have fought IMP, DNA, Krell, FLZ, COH, OPS, USN, TCA (and I may have missed a few) in our short history. It is all a question of perspective. I know where yours comes from.


Cheap Shots
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

+ After hearing that the FCN had merged into the DEN, Bone Smash, leader of the KRL, exercised his legendary diplomatic touch by launching an ultimatum to the Falconians: "Get the rest of the filth off our homeworld." A homeworld that has been bombed quite a few times and a homeworld in a system that is currently unclaimed. Yes, that will end well.

+ The BHD have designated the planet Aquae Fortis, in the New Sol System, as a shrine world for their faith in the Tue One. This is the first place to receive such official recognition, and a festive season will commemorate the event. There are rumours that only water was ordered for the party and that a miracle is expected to turn it all into wine.

+ Overheard in a starport pub in Yank: What is the best business deal you could make in all the peripheries? Buy a Dewiek for what he is really worth and sell him for what he thinks he is worth.


Happy New Year

We at the Great Galactic Gazette wish you a great new year, with less pirates to steal from you, with less greedy merchants to overcharge you and with less egotistical warmongers to tell you what to do.


GGG - Issue 29 - 211.50.1

Lysander's Garden, a New Planet
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

This week the Confederate Naval Forces (CNF) announced the completion of an ambitious project, the creation of a new planet in the Sol system. Named Lysander's Garden (7658), in honour of Emperor Lysander, this new 4x4 world will serve as a farm planet and will provide a steady supply of food to Earth. We talked with Smokes in Mountains, the Mohache who had a key role in this enterprise.

GGG: What exactly was your involvement in the creation of the new planet Lysander's Garden and how did you accomplish such a daunting task?

SiM: The Mohache provided the technology and method of construction underlying the new planet, which were developed over several years.

GGG: What would you estimate was the total cost in stellars for this project and how long did it take to complete it?

SiM: The total cost is immaterial when compared to the benefits it brings to the people of the Sol system. However, suffice to say that the materials used to construct Lysander's Garden represent more than three years of manufacturing efforts, involved nearly two million MUs worth of life-support-freight, and in total represent several hundred thousand Mohache Carved Gems worth of investment.

GGG: Have the Mohache had any direct contact with the population of Earth and, if so, what was their reaction in the presence of aliens?

SiM: We have had no contact with the population of Earth. Indeed we purposefully requested the Confederacy to supply us with Human employees to work on the construction project in order to not offend the Human inhabitants of Sol. The Garden will shortly be home to 160,000 human civilians who will work the farms using further technology, equipment and agricultural tools provided by the Mohache and Confederacy.

GGG: Going forward, what are the Mohache plans for your presence in the Inner Empire and in particular in the Sol System?

SiM: This remains to be seen. We hope that the construction of the Garden will go a long way to altering the perception of alien species in the Inner Empire, and we intend to maintain the central embassy farming outpost MOH Old Mohdonald's (90227) on Lysander's Garden as a potential trading starbase. Obviously, all food produced from the new planet will be provided free to the hungry masses of Earth.


Hard Times for Small Affiliations?
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

A few months ago, a wave of independent sentiment seemed to be going through the galaxy and many starcaptains were more likely to create their own official or unofficial tiny little organization than to join one of the established larger affiliations out there. But now the harsh realities of daily life in the peripheries are imposing their toll and the result appears to be a clear decline in the activity of these Lilliputian entrepreneurs. The ACE became inactive before being acquired and renamed to ARH. The IDC seem to be inactive and there are rumours of pirates roaming in orbit of one of their starbases. The TAG were dismantled and sold, apparently to the MOH, and their flag may become restricted to one single fixed asset. Messages to the ICE remain unreplied, which many suggest they are also inactive. We talked with two people involved with these small operations. Coincidence or not, both of them speak in some sort of unusual patois.

Mr. Rlo, from the TAG

GGG: Why was the TAG for sale?

Rlo: Got attacked by pirate scummers and no one came to my help. Twenty innocent taggers down for the count. I kinna take the stress and I'm no warrior sos was not even sure how to set up new ships under construction at Pershin. I can't take it no more. Any talk of de pleasure slave scandal is pure rubbish from that no good SSS rag.

GGG: What made the TAG go through so many changes in such a short period - creation of a new affiliation, change of ownership, now sale and possible dismantlement?

Rlo: Iffen I have me choice someone will take over the TAG. I talked to four diff chappies bout takin over but all was just lookin to take pieces or wouldna commit to the big chair. Sos iffen i cannot sell as one I'm breakin it up into parts and sellin off.

GGG: What are you going to do after the TAG is sold? Join an affiliation, become an independent starcaptain, or retire?

Rlo: No one has bought the TAG tag. Me plan is to open the biggest baddesst casino this side of earth. Jiggly Room won't have no jiggly when I'm done! I'm not much for flyin round in starships, I like bein on the ground surrounded by me lovelies and that is where I be stayin.

Mr. Reverte, from the ARH

GGG: Is your affiliation still active? We have heard very little from you lately.

Reverte: Yes. I build slowly affiliation. I find early some people good to talk to. So I talk to them in provate them if I need item.

GGG: ACE or ARH? Who is who there, who bought who, and why?

Reverte: I merge with ACE. I change affiliation name to Alvaro Reverte Holdings (ARH).

GGG: Could you please give us more details on this? You merged what with ACE? Weren't you IND? If so, did you buy ACE from the previous owners or did you join ACE and then the affiliation changed names? Were are the previous owners of ACE?

Reverte: I start IND. I talk to EEM about ACE. ACE not run. They say OK to join ACE and change name to ARH. I know not of old ACE owners.

GGG: What are you working on currently?

Reverte: I build starbase on Will o'the Wisp on Faery. Planet is terraformed now. So better place for starbase. I have not too many ships so it take long time!


GGG - Issue 28 - 211.49.1

Interview: Admiral H.P. Simms, Grand Duke of the Capellan Reaches
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

This week Emperor Lysander granted the title of Grand Duke of the Capellan Reaches to Admiral H.P. Simms, popularly known as Lord Simms, for his tenure as former Viceroy and "in recognition of more than a decade in the role and his continuing support of the Empire in the Capellan Periphery". This is obviously an exceptional honor and only the second Grand Duke of the Empire in more than 50 years (the first one being the Grand Duke of the Imperial Frontier). The last person to hold the title of Grand Duke of the Capellan Reaches was Lord Rachmaninov, who for a time after the Rebellion governed Tau Ceti, Pollux and Trinity. Grand Duke Simms, who is now signing his messages just as Capellan Reaches, holds the claim to no less than five systems within the Capellan Peripheries.

GGG: For how long have you been a member of the Imperial Services (IMP) and for how long did you serve as Viceroy?

Simms: I joined the Imperial Services in 194, having been sent out from the Inner Empire to fill the role of Patrol Commissioner. I took over as Viceroy about eighteen months later and served until circa 208/9.

GGG: Why did you decide to step down as Viceroy?

Simms: I had achieved my objective of negotiating an equitable end to a war that I considered neither side could win and felt that is was time for new blood with new ideas to head the Imperial Services.

GGG: Viceroy Krieger seemed to be following your good steps and working towards more peace and more unification, but after his resignation and the assassination of Viceroy Blackthorne, the IMP had a strange shift in policy, with Viceroy Githyanki reneging the Commonwealth and adopting a much more belligerent stance. What are your views on current IMP policy?

Simms: As a member of the Comand Council it would be inappropriate for me to comment on Imperial Policy.

GGG: More than a year has passed since Viceroy Blackthorne was murdered. Yet, no suspect has been arrested or charged with the crime and it seems that the IMP are not able or willing to find and prosecute whoever was responsible for this heinous assassination. How can that be?

Simms: Anti-matter explosions leave very little evidence and the actual perpetrator is believed to have died in the blast, so asking who his employer was is not a viable proposition.

GGG: What changes for you now that you are a Grand Duke?

Simms: I shall continue doing my duty as a member of the Imperial Services, the only real change will be to my signature: Capellan Reaches.


The Battle of the Wastelands: Who Won and Who Lost?
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

As we observed the last Dewiek ships leaving the orbit of Kalahari, the question was already in our minds: who are the winners here? The situation contains enough complications to allow any side to claim victory, depending on which aspect they want to prioritize. As an exercise in galactic politics, we made a list of where each participant scored positive and negative points. Obviously, lists of this kind are subjective and incomplete, and you may have different views on the subject. Here is how we see it.

Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN)
(+) Showed that if they want a battle there will be a battle.
(+) Destroyed 36 ships while losing only 8 ships.
(+) Showed that they can count on the support (or at least the non-involvement) of the IMP even when they attack another Imperial affiliation.
(-) Showed that they don't respect Imperial Space and don't care for legally registered claims.
(-) Were surprised by the level of support the RVN had to defend the Wastelands System.
(-) Didn't achieve their stated goal of changing the claim to the Wastelands System.
(-) Didn't achieve their stated goal of obtaining transit rights for the DEN in RVN systems.

House Ravenstone (RVN)
(+) Showed no hesitation in defending Imperial Space against forces in superior number and technology.
(+) Maintained the status quo of their system claims.
(+) Showed that they have friends that will help in times of need.
(-) Were forced into a fight they would prefer not to fight.
(-) Lost 13 ships and a big chunk of an orbital platform.

House LiQuan (HLQ)
(+) Showed they are there to defend Imperial Space and to support a Noble House.
(-) Lost 19 ships.

Confederate Forces (CNF)
(+) Showed they are there to defend Imperial Space and to support a Noble House.
(-) Lost 4 ships.

Galactic Trade & Transport (GTT)
(+) Showed they are there to defend Imperial Space and to support a Noble House.
(+) Showed they are ready to put honor before profit.
(-) Lost assets in the Dewiek Pocket Periphery as a consequence of siding against the DEN.
(-) Showed that their starcaptains need either better training or more restraint, as their warships shot at friend and foe indiscriminately.

Imperial Services (IMP)
(-) Showed that, under their current Viceroy, their oath to defend space claimed in the name of the Empire is worthless.
(-) Showed that, under their current Viceroy, they will stand idle while an alien affiliation, their allies no less, attack Imperial Citizens in Imperial Space.


GGG - Issue 27 - 211.48.1

War: Dewiek Against Humans
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

This week the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) launched an attack against the House Ravenstone (RVN), sending a warfleet of at least one hundred warships into the Wastelands System and opening fire against the platform RVN Kalahari Watcher (10309), in orbit of the planet Kalahari, home to the starbase RVN Port Scheherazade (3173). The invaders were received by a combined fleet of warships flagged RVN, HLQ and CNF.

On the second day of battle, with permission from the RVN, we sent our GGG ship to observe the action. In a somewhat surprising development, we saw the arrival of a sizable fleet of GTT warships that immediately joined the combat, although at certain moments it was hard to tell on which side they were fighting. Space was filled with the debris of at least thirty ships but possibly as many as fifty. Based on our limited sensors, we would estimate that three to four hundred ships are now involved in the battle, most of them over 100 hulls, and the platform seems to be still standing and functional.

Meanwhile, the Imperial Services (IMP) have been totally silent on this matter and apparently ignoring that one of their stated objectives is "to defend the Emperor and space claimed in his name and for the Imperium". Grand Duke Blake Ravenstone urged the IMP to renounce their alliance with the DEN and said that "there is no honest justification" for them "to continue to support an alien affiliation that wages war against Imperial citizens inside Imperial space".

(Note from the Editor: We contacted the DEN with a few questions about the attack but received no reply.)


War: Felini Against Flagritz
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

We talked with Tyrant Mrrshan, leader of the Felini Tyranny (FEL), to learn more about their ongoing war against the Flagritz Empire (FLZ).

GGG: Why are the FEL at war with the FLZ and how long has the conflict been going on?

Mrrshan: The why is simple - when the Flagritz encountered us they believed that we would be their next "client race". They were wrong. For how long, it is sometimes difficult to be certain. By the time in our home system the first incursions into our space were a little under two centuries ago. But the timelines are hard to reconcile with some temporal anomalies when compared with captured data from the Flagritz.

GGG: Could you please clarify what you mean by "client race"?

Mrrshan: "Client race" is their term (or at least how it translates into Galactic Standard). We would probably say "slave race", for the reality is about right for that term.

GGG: From your point of view, who is winning the war?

Mrrshan: I will say it is us, they will say it is them. I suppose it depends on your definition of "winning". We remain a free people and have dealt strong blows to their technology and home systems. They remain shut off hiding behind closed stargates or helpless to breach our defensive lines. Territorially things ebb and flow but our objectives continue to be met.

GGG: For the FEL, what would be acceptable conditions for this war to end?

Mrrshan: For some hotheads, nothing short of xenocide would fully satisfy them. Each species has their share of these. For me, two conditions are paramount: the freeing of those taken into slavery (and their descendants) and ensuring that our territories can remain inviolate from any future risk from the FLZ.

(Note from the Editor: We sent these same questions to the FLZ, as our initial intention was to publish the two points of view side by side, but we received no reply.)


War: DEN Against RIP
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

There are rumours that the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) have launched a large scale attack against the Raiders of the Imperial Periphery (RIP) inside their home system of Sargasso. Adoqhina, leader of the DEN, published a somewhat enigmatic statement saying that a hunt was about to begin and that "the hunters become the hunted", but not mentioning the RIP by name. Samedi, leader of the RIP, published a somewhat enigmatic ultimatum with the threat of "withdraw or bear witness to bloody vengeance you canid Mephistopheles", where "canid" seems to be a reference to the DEN. It's not unlikely that a DEN attack was indeed inflicted on the RIP, as the Dewiek now seem in the habit of bullying small affiliations that they believe not able to fight back.

(Note from the Editor: We contacted the RIP to try to understand this matter a little better but the only reply we got was "I cannot comment at the moment other than to say a situation has occurred with the DEN and we are in discussions with them".)


GGG - Issue 26 - 211.47.1

The Threat of Piracy
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

This week a distress call from a Mohache ship being attacked by pirates in the Sol System generated a quick response from the CNF, the GTT and the IMP. The GTT arrived first and destroyed the PIR Parietal Erg (30110), a Broadsword Class Heavy Cruise that had been reported stolen from the IMP a while ago. A rare victory in the fight against piracy.

While some are celebrating the demise of this pirate and others are making unsubstantiated allegations about who is actually behind the attack, piracy remains a big threat to all. Pirates are everywhere and attacking everyone. And the reason they thrive and prosper in this manner is that the people with the power to fight piracy do little more than staging the eventual hunt, something that may earn them a trophy and some patting on the back but doesn't really help to end piracy.

Too many people seem happy to deal with pirates and to forgive them when they are attacking someone else. One of the first things IMP Viceroy Githyanki did after being elected was to call off the war against the KRL leader Bone, who had recently been caught sponsoring pirates. And when the IND peddler Johnny Alpha was unmasked as a piracy fomenter, FET leader Zuvoro Norozov was quick to offer protection to his whole enterprise.

We urge all affiliations to exercise a tolerance zero policy towards piracy. The pirate you don't kill today is the pirate that will attack you tomorrow.


Duelling Dewiek
reprinted with permission from the SSS

Following their continued war of words, the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) has demanded reparations of two million stellars to be paid by the House Ravenstone (RVN) for what they call the murder of five Dewiek crew members who were killed when a DEN vessel was destroyed in what the RVN call restricted space, an area of space claimed by House Ravenstone for the Empire of Humanity, in which the DEN had no right to be.

Should this fine not be paid, the Dewiek have offered trial by combat:

"The Elder Council offers the House Ravenstone the right to a traditional Dewiek trial if the Charitable Judgement is refused or not accepted within the time given. The purity of this judiciary process should be understandable without further explanation but there are only two possible outcomes: Either the House Ravenstone loses all its claws and fangs so it may never harm another sentient again or falls on its honour and pleads for mercy whereby less charitable terms will be offered."

Long time readers may remember the last trial by combat undertaken by the Dewiek against a human, during which a Dewiek Elder was killed by the Baron LiQuan and his super mega turbo Meklan implants.

The House Ravenstone seems unwilling to accept either offer, while the DEN have, we believe, refused to pay the initial fine the RVN issued for trespassing, and as things stand currently, the two affiliations are at an impasse. Or as Bone Smash of the Krell put it: "Little guy blood is in the water, the sharks circle..."


Note from the Editor
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

Here at the Great Galactic Gazette we try to give voice to sentients who are part of the news. We constantly contact involved parties to hear their side of the story and we print their versions even when we don't agree with them. We are not, however, a channel for press releases. We will respect your statements and we won't change your words, but we will contextualize and editorialize our interviews to provide good and honest journalism. If all you want is to broadcast a press release and refuse to be questioned about it, you should probably look elsewhere for support.

When trying to get an interview, we often find sentients not interested in sharing anything. Some requests remain unanswered and others are returned with answers like "no comments" or "we're not at liberty to discuss this". The worst kind of uncooperative reply is the one that shows contempt for our work and tries to mock us. A couple of examples. When asked "why have the IMP declared themselves hostile to the CWS, an organization they help to create?", IMP Viceroy Githyanki answered: "I do not recognise any such affiliation". When asked specifically about the DEN ships that were fined by the RVN, Osho of the DEN answered: "What sshipss might that be?". Not surprisingly, the authors of this kind of poor attempts of misdirection are often the same ones who accuse us of not being independent or not giving them a fair treatment.

The GGG will continue to publish the stories we consider important and interesting. We will be able to do a better job with your cooperation. You can help us to make good journalism or you can sit in a corner and complain about it. The choice is yours.


GGG - Issue 25 - 211.43.1

Interview: Lucius Haldane, leader of the BHD Angels of Fortitude 
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

I was invited to represent the Great Galactic Gazette at the recent commencement ceremony for the warrior group Angels of Fortitude, held at BHD Olympia (60269), on planet Aquae Fortis, in the New Sol System. It was my first visit to the Inner Confederacy and the whole experience was a little intimidating, mainly due to the fact that I was probably the only non-believer among a very large number of followers of the True One, most of them seemingly ready for battle. To learn a bit more about the Angels of Fortitude in particular and the BHD in general, I had an exclusive interview with Lucius Haldane, the leader of this new group of religious warriors.

GGG: What exactly are the Angels of Fortitude and how are those troops different from other BHD troops?

Haldane: The Angels of Fortitude are the first specific group of warriors trained not only in war but also to uphold the dictates of the True Faith. Most trained troops, as you know, benefit from engramatic programming which over the course of a week of intense programming instills in them the competencies to be crack shots, tactical experts, pilots for various weapons of war, etcetera. The Angels are no different in this regard having already undergone the same regimen, but in addition the Angels devote a period of their time to study of the True Faith under the tutelage of monks from the Fraternity and swear to uphold these tenets.

GGG: Where are these troops recruited?

Haldane: The Angels have all been drawn from Aquae Fortis, either from the Confederate Liberation Force or from the general populace. Ironically, we number within our ranks some who fought against the liberation under the direction of the Inner Brotherhood. They are loyal adherents to the True Faith, possibly more so than the others as they may feel they have a point to prove. Other Brotherhood troops, at other installations may not be as strict in their adherence to the faith as those from within the Inner Confederacy or from the Darkfold periphery. We hope to show them the way.

GGG: Why were you chosen to lead the first group of these Angels of Fortitude?

Haldane: <pause> I am experienced. I fought in the war of liberation. I am from Aquae Fortis and took up arms to see the heresy of Eaton displaced. So, I have experience and I am accepted by most, having fought for the Confederacy and yet hailing from this shrine world. It... no, go on.

GGG: In your speech you talked about humanity united in one faith. What about the humans who have a different faith or no faith at all, how do you view their role in an united humanity?

Haldane: Many humans with an Earth origin worship the True Faith. The New Harmony Church is very influential on Earth, doing good works to provide for the people, many of whom have no direction or indeed hope. It is a sorrowful shame. But, as you say, there are those who do not follow the True Faith. They have their own beliefs or indeed no beliefs. I find it hard to comprehend, coming as I do from Aquae Fortis where religion is a way of life. You have seen the wayside shrines, the roving monks, the votive sellers, you should know. Anyway, the True Faith has become the dominant faith as it provides both a way of life and a means to understand one's place in a universe of high technology and xenos, the mere presence of which would have called into question the adequacies of the old faiths. For those who choose not to follow this path they must find their way in what is a hostile universe. It can't be an easy path. You know, the True Faith seeks to encourage personal development in order to better humanity. So, providing others seek to better humanity then they may be following the dictates of the True One whether they know it or not, and many religions speak about being good to other people. Obviously, any sect which seeks to undermine humanity is inimical to what the True Faith preaches and in this instance the faith needs men of purpose to deal with such heresy.

GGG: Using warriors to spread a particular faith brings memories of the Crusades that happened on Earth in the Middle Ages. Do you see any connections of this sort?

Haldane: The Crusades? I recall it was Brother Ermius who taught about the origins of religious warrior brotherhoods and there was reference to such groups as the Knights Hospitaller. Are we distant kin? I don't think so. It may appear so on face value but those who fought in the Crusades did so for many reasons - some for piety, aye, but others did so for absolution, to wash away guilt or sins, some for coin, whether from their paymaster or from loot, and others for glory and land. I recall the Christian kingdoms were carved from Arab lands. We don't seek to carve new empires, nor do we seek wealth. Glory? Fame? I suppose so, where this benefits the True Faith. I think I'd like to be remembered in the annals of the Chapter for more than being the first Chapter Master, though that is an honour in itself. Anyway, you are missing an important point. The warrior chapters do not seek to spread the faith. That is the holy path of the missionary and we are most certainly not preachers. We are a warrior chapter. Our duty is to perform the will of the True One, to defend humanity from heresy and from the xenos who would otherwise corrupt, enslave or destroy His domain. That is our reason.

GGG: You often mention "the need to perform the will of the True One above all else". How exactly can you know what the will of the True One would be?

Haldane: The will of the True One has been defined over the years by more learned men than I. When humanity broke from Earth and expanded beyond Sol the treasures of a galaxy were unveiled. So much so fast, all driven by rapidly developing technology. Technology that led to heresy as scientists ploughed ahead with research that was on occasion unethical to say the least, in labs hidden from the greater populace. The New Harmony Church came into being to shepherd humanity beyond Earth and the Brotherhood became an investigative arm to ensure the proper use and development of technology. Under the new leadership the Brotherhood aims to return back to those roots - to seek a connection with New Harmony and to ensure the safe development of technology. That is the will of the True One.

GGG: And how can you be so sure, in an age when scientific proof carries so much weight, that a True One indeed exists?

Haldane: <patient smile> Life, mr. Baxter, is all a matter of faith. You believe in the ISR field? Do you know exactly how it works? Do you understand the physics? I suspect not. Does it matter, providing the ship moves in the way commanded? Some people understand the principles perfectly and perfect them. We have faith in their knowledge and understanding of this aspect of the universe. The technology is understood by a few and accepted by the many. So it is with the True One. There are those amongst us with great faith and they use that faith to direct a path for which people may live their lives. A path which is ethical and protects the masses from the risks of unfettered technology and hostile xenos. As for me... Yes, I believe in the True One. I have seen the good that can be done in His name. I feel honoured to be in a position to further that good, to protect humanity and provide a place in the universe where our species can develop and expand safely.


FET Give Shelter to Mercenary-Pirate Group
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

Soon after mercenary-pirate Johnny Alpha was exposed by the GGG, one of his secret installations was found and attacked by DTR and AFT forces. Apparently, we weren't the only ones paying attention to his shady activities. When Johnny Alpha's outpost IND Reaper (18552), located on an asteroid in the Agripeta System, was found to be a gathering point for known pirate ships the DTR charged him with "crimes of piracy, both utilising pirate flagged ships to commit general acts of piracy and being the owner/operator of the IND Demon Of ships that have been specifically targeting DTR positions". Foreign Minister Cassius Jerusalem asked Johnny Alpha to surrender immediately and hand over any prisoners or stolen goods. In an attempt to preserve at least part of what his group had gained through questionable means, Alpha and his associates enacted an intricate dance that included, among other moves, a reflagging of ships and outposts, an apparent change of leadership, the promise of individual surrender by Johnny Alpha, and another round of reflaggings. But the most notable development was perhaps mr. Zuvoro Norozov coming forward to offer asylum to Johnny Alpha and to request all hostilities to cease because his assets were purchased by the FET. Some were enraged, some were indulgent, but the fact remains that a group that was involved in piracy is now part of the FET.

We had a short conversation with mr. Norozov to learn about his controversial views on pirates and mercenaries.

GGG: You have announced that the FET acquired assets, including ships, outposts and starbases, from the group previously led by Johnny Alpha. Even with Johnny Alpha not being part of the group any longer (if he is indeed delivered to the DTR to be tried for crimes of piracy), shouldn't that be considered giving shelter to pirates?

Norozov: Sheltering pirates. No, would never do that. The suspect has been apprehended by the DTR. FET have taking over his assets after the fact.

GGG: You like to make a distinction between pirates and mercenaries. From the victim's point of view, however, is it really that different if their attacker is acting of his own will or under orders from a client? Shouldn't pirates and mercenaries be accountable for their crimes regardless of the motivations behind them?

Norozov: Nobody likes to be a victim, but there is a distinction between pirates and mercenaries. Pirates for the most part go out of there way to steal ships, loot outposts and such like. Mercenaries are soldiers. They don't offer their services to steal. Their job is combat pure and simple. Yes, they get paid, but so do regular crew going about their duties in regular affs. Look at how affs recruit troops. They offer money to citizens to work for the aff. These new recruits are mercenaries and it is well known that they have a tendency to switch sides if a battle goes against them.

GGG: Johnny Alpha was either running or offering safe haven to some positions that attacked ships and outposts with demons who then proceeded to devour any sentients they found in their way. How do you feel about having FET members that engage in or at least condone this type of behavior?

Norozov: Mr. Alpha ran his operation within Halo, where basically anything goes. It's still to be proved that the suspect ships did in fact belong to his operation. He may have offered them the use of his facilities freely or he could have been coerced into allowing them to do so. It's all circumstantial evidence.


(Note from the Editor - In our last issue we listed IND Reaper (18552) as a ship and that was an error. IND Reaper (18552) was actually an outpost, the same one that was later reflagged to FET and then PIR. We apologize for our mistake.)


GGG - Issue 24 - 211.42.1

TCA and HLQ: Ten Facts and Three Hypotheses 
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Fact 1: The Terran Colony Annihilators (TCA) have a history of antagonism against humans, among other species. Fact 2: The ship TCA Inquest (71372) had been parked by the Plague Stargate for a long time with no signs of activity. Fact 3: A fleet of over two hundred warships flagged DEN, IMP, GTT and FCN entered CNF space, with permission from Commander Jackson, to engage and destroy the TCA ship. Fact 4: The ship TCA Inquest (71372) was reduced to debris by the combined warfleet. Fact 5: Before the attack, the TCA ship that had been immobile for at least a couple of years, started slowly moving towards the stargate in an apparent attempt to avoid the battle. Fact 6: Just before the TCA ship started moving, an HLQ ship was seen initiating a close approach to the TCA vessel, in a manoeuvre used for tight-beam communications. Fact 7: The Meklan (MEK) are believed to be the ground troops of the TCA. Fact 8: Prince Aldahan LiQuan, leader of House LiQuan (HLQ), has been meklanized (with some added safety modifications). Fact 9: Prince Aldahan LiQuan, by his own admission, knew about the impending attack on the TCA ship. Fact 10: A couple of weeks after the battle, the HLQ announced that Prince Aldahan LiQuan had been abducted by the TCA.

Hypothesis 1: Prince LiQuan, of his own free will or not, is helping the TCA. The TCA ship was alerted by the HLQ about the impending attack. After that, the relationship between the HLQ and the TCA has been strengthened and the reported abduction was staged so Prince LiQuan could go into a journey of discovery with the TCA without raising suspicion.

Hypothesis 2: Same as Hypothesis 1, with the difference that the TCA did not really warm up to the HLQ and the Prince's plans backfired. The TCA are either curious or annoyed by the HLQ interest and interference. Prince LiQuan was actually abducted by the TCA, either to be studied or to be reintegrated into the TCA's Meklan army.

Hypothesis 3: Prince LiQuan, despite his meklanization, continues to be in full control of his mind and actions. The TCA ship trying to flee from an imminent attack and the proximity of an HLQ ship was purely coincidental. The reported abduction of Prince LiQuan is also not connected to any of the other events involving the TCA or the HLQ.

Or a combination of the three hypotheses. Or something else. You decide.

(Note from the Editor - The GGG contacted the HLQ for more details on the reported abduction of Prince LiQuan, but they refused to release any information: "These questions will not be answered at this time pending the results of the investigation.")


Johnny Alpha, a New Mercenary-Pirate
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

So there's this new independent starcaptain, Johnny Alpha, apparently an affable individual, silver-tongued and full of swagger, and everyone seems to like him. But then he posts a public advertisement offering his talents as a hit man for hire in the Halo Periphery. "We offer simple to understand terms based on the number of ship hulls destroyed and whether the targets are armed or not." Now all the people who were helping him in his first steps as a struggling free trader are suddenly realizing they've just been fooled and that the guy is no better than a pirate. And the cheeky mercenary seems to have already found an employer, as the Johnny Alpha signature was exposed in at least a couple of shady operations.

+ Ships IND Reaper (18552) and IND Rainman (22386) show up where they weren't welcome, and DTR Speaker of the House of Lords Michelle Diaz tells them to explain themselves. No word from the starcaptains but Johnny Alpha comes forward to say that one of the ships had been his at certain point, that he sold it to someone else, and that he wasn't disclosing the identity of the buyer. The last time we heard that excuse it came from the Krell (KRL) and they were the ones running the ships they claimed to have sold.

+ An unannounced and uninvited IND ground party docks at a DTR starbase in the Yank System, and Admiral Bridge, the man in charge of that facility,  tells them to explain themselves. Johnny Alpha comes forward to say it's his ground party but they were just delivering some prisoners back to the DTR. Not only a lame excuse (everyone knows you don't need to land to deliver anything to a facility that has a hiport) but it also connected Johnny Alpha to another piece of skulduggery, as at least one of those prisoners was identified as being captured by pirates not long ago. When asked to explain the provenience of those prisoners, the mercenary resorted to childish insults (I believe "kiss my shiney mutant ass" were his precise words).

Now it seems clear that we have a new mercenary-pirate operating in the peripheries. And it may not be a coincidence that he has been loitering around DTR facilities. What remains to be seen is how freely this Johnny Alpha will be allowed to proceed, especially when the location of his headquarters is known by so many parties. Will the DTR strike at his starbase IND Persepolis (56017) on planet Indar in the Persian System and his 325-hulls orbital platform IND Immortal Guardian (57220)? Or will Johnny Alpha continue his mercenary career unchallenged?


GGG - Issue 23 - 211.37.1

IMP Give Away Another Part of the Empire
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

The Imperial Services (IMP) have announced this week that the Dyson System, previously controlled by the IMP, has been transferred to the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN). This comes not long after the IMP abandoned the claim for the Storm System, which is expected to be under a Krell flag soon. More alarming than the apparent trend of shrinking the borders of the Empire is the fact that the Dyson System has a direct link to the Sol System, leaving an alien affiliation in control of one of the doors to Earth. To try to understand this puzzling generosity, we spoke with Gregor Konstantin, the man in charge of handing Dyson System to the DEN. Unfortunately, he wasn't very forthcoming with facts or explanations and resorted to the old "we can't tell you anything but you should trust us anyway". Meanwhile, Diane Wooten, an envoy of the Elder Dewiek Nation in the Capellan Peripheries disclosed that the deal includes "an ambitious joint civil engineering project in Janth" and "shared guardianship of the Dyson Artificial Wormhole".

GGG: You have announced that the Dyson System, previously controlled by the IMP, has been transferred to the DEN. What are you getting in return for such a strategic location?

Konstantin: I am afraid that is classified information. The only thing I can say about that is that it is definitely worth the price. This deal have made the Empire stronger and cemented the alliance between the IMP and the DEN. The future will show clearly to all what this renewed alliance is worth.

GGG: The Dyson System has been called the gateway to Earth, and the IMP used to make sure nobody would transit from the Dewiek Home Periphery to the Inner Empire through that route. Now that the DEN are in charge, what protects citizens of Earth from such an incursion?

Konstantin: Again that is related to classified information, but I can assure your readers that there will not be any aliens except the pacifist  Mohache (MOH) entering the Inner Empire. Except for them, that the Emperor so wisely have allowed into the Inner Empire, the IMP employ a destroy on sight policy for all non-humans in the Inner Empire.

GGG: Your press release made several mentions to a treaty between the DEN and the Konstantin family, but no reference to the IMP. Yet, you are a member of the IMP and the Dyson System used to be claimed by and for the IMP. Shouldn't we be hearing from the Viceroy himself that the IMP have ceded part of the Empire to the Dewiek Elder Nation?

Konstantin: The Konstantin family is part of IMP and the Empire. We are the IMP branch responsible to protect the Emperor's interests in the area and to deal with the Dewiek Elder Nation. In time it will be obvious what this deal is worth to the Empire.


Emperor Fines Prince LiQuan for "bringing the Empire into disrepute"
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

After unconfirmed reports of House LiQuan being fined by the Emperor for "bringing the Empire into disrepute" began to spread, we contacted Prince LiQuan to learn the truth behind the rumours. But despite being always pleased to answer our questions, this time he tried to hide behind an enigmatic "I will not confirm or deny this". He did say, however, that "if there was a fine then of course the HLQ would pay it".

Not content with the vague statements provided by the HLQ, we turned to the offices of the Emperor to investigate the facts. And there we got the  confirmation we were looking for: House LiQuan have indeed been fined by the Emperor "to the tune of one million stellars". There isn't a specific episode officially linked to the fine but it's believed that it relates to the general behaviour and demeanor displayed by Prince LiQuan and his eagerness to pick a fight that may not be in the interest of the Empire.


Interview: Oran Guutan, leader of the Wimble Nations (WMB)
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Following the announcement of the discovery of the Wimbledon System, we tried to interview the Grandfather of the Wimble Nations, Mr. Oran Guutan. As he has been unavailable to respond for some time, a few of our questions went answered on the press releases published by the Wimbles and by the Falconians, also involved in the discovery. Here is what is left of the interview.

GGG: Is Wimbledon indeed the mythical home system of the Wimble Nations?

Guutan: There are suggestions that the planet in Wimbledon may have been where Wimbles evolved. Whether this is the actual home planet or whether the evidence was transplanted at the same time as the inhabitants is unclear. I think it unlikely that this planet in this system was the origin of the Wimbles. However, it may well have been this planet in some other system.

GGG: Do you plan to relocate all Wimbles back to Wimbledon?

Guutan: There are no such plans. Wimbles exist in a number of systems, and more have recently been discovered with the opening of the Halo Periphery. I think it unlikely that they would all wish to relocate. If some do then we will see what can be arranged.

GGG: Do you plan to open the system to other affiliations to visit, explore and colonize?

Guutan: I will be happy to welcome visitors who are willing to respect the wishes and rights of the residents of the system, Wimble and other. At the moment access routes are restricted and dangerous, I hope these can be improved in the future. Resources in-system are limited, so the opportunities for colonization by others are likely to also be limited - simply because there will be little for others to gain. I will be perfectly willing to mediate with the existing residents and see if they are happy for others to set up facilities in system.


GGG - Issue 22 - 211.29.1

Interview: Grand Duke Ravenstone, leader of House Ravenstone (RVN)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Most of us still remember the list of noble houses we were forced to memorize in school: House Hayduk, House LiQuan, House Porter, etc. Now there is a new noble house to be added to that list, with House Ravenstone (RVN) being granted affiliation status by the EEM this week. We talked with Blake Ravenstone, Grand Duke of the Imperial Frontier, the man in charge of the new affiliation.

GGG: Why did you decide to start your own affiliation and why now?

BR: Registering House Ravenstone as an affiliation recognized by the EEM is a natural progression of the work we have been doing. It is good for the Empire to have strong noble houses, and we hope that our new status will have a positive impact in the expansion and prosperity of the Empire. The idea of establishing House Ravenstone as an independent affiliation has been suggested on a few occasions, but it was not until now that the conditions seemed adequate.

GGG: Would House Ravenstone be more aligned with the Imperial block or the Confederate block?

BR: Well, we hope to see those distinctions abandoned. We all serve the same Empire and, despite some eventual disagreements, we all have fairly similar goals. The war has been over for several years and there is really no good reason for using labels from the past to keep us from working together for the greater good.

GGG: What about your system claims, don't you fear upsetting the IMP and the CNF by reflagging systems that were previously claimed for them?

BR: The reflagging was done with the agreement of both the IMP and the CNF, and the Emperor himself acknowledges my role as protector of these systems. Also, as you may remember, the systems claimed by House Ravenstone were not claimed by the IMP or by the CNF when we first established our claim. Wastelands and Caribbean were unclaimed, Demon was claimed for the RIP. It was for making these systems part of the Empire that I was awarded the title of Grand Duke of the Imperial Frontier.

GGG: House Ravenstone surprised many people with the purchase of EEM Hypso (4802), a place that is an important part of the history of the peripheries. Do you have any special plans for the starbase?

BR: RVN Hypso has a rich history and we intend to respect that. We will be making some renovations but selected historic locations will be maintained and conserved as a monument to the exploration of the galaxy. The market is currently closed while we reorganize a few things but it will soon reopen for business as usual.

GGG: What are your goals for House Ravenstone?

BR: We are primarily interested in the reunification and the expansion of the Empire, by peaceful means. We hope to be a voice of reason and moderation in the political conversation, but also to take a pragmatic role in resolving important issues and in fostering harmonious relations with civilian populations.


Cheap Shots
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

+ IMP Viceroy Githyanki declared the orbit and quadrant of planet Midway, in the Straddle System, a restricted zone and threatened to shoot any DTR ships found there. The republican response to yet another attempt to start a war was something along the lines of "sorry, not today".

+ The GTT announced the promotion of Thomasia Payne to the Board of Directors. Rumours that it is just old Bob Bost returning to the affiliation after a sex change operation seem to be unfounded.

+ First it was the allegedly peaceful and neutral traders from the AFT spotted flying 200 Heavy Hulls warships. Then it was the allegedly peaceful and neutral traders from the MOH spotted flying 100 Heavy Hulls warships with high tech equipment. Now we are waiting to see what kind of warships the allegedly peaceful and neutral traders from the WMB will be flying.

+ The Oligarchs of Mithras, in the Persian System, have been hiring starcaptains to blow small chunks of icy rock off small comets and guide them into low orbit to create rain. Perhaps the IMP should release Demetrius "Badaboom" LiQuan from prison and let him share some of his expertise in blowing up asteroids.


GGG - Issue 21 - 211.23.1

Interview: Cassius Jerusalem, Foreign Minister of the Detinus Republic (DTR)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

GGG: The DTR have contested the IMP claim to the Straddle System. Why did that happen? Was it a response to the recent claim changes in the Inner Empire?

Jerusalem: Exactly, yes. We could not allow the Imperial Services to continue breaking up the Commonwealth without making some sort of response. Should they stop trying to claim Commonwealth systems for the IMP, then we will be more than happy to change the Straddle claim back. And I'm talking specifically of Apollo and Ross 248 here, and the growing IMP claim on Earth, which was clearly the next system they were going to attempt to steal away from the Commonwealth. A fundamental part of the peace treaty was in securing access to the Inner Empire for the entirety of humanity. That's what the DTR and CNF were fighting together side by side to achieve. We will not see it destroyed.

GGG: The Peace Accord states that the DTR will claim Straddle on behalf of the IMP and will eventually transfer the system claim to an Imperial nominated starbase. By claiming Straddle for the DTR, you seem to be violating that agreement. Was that the intention?

Jerusalem: The Peace Accord also states that Commonwealth systems will be claimed for and on behalf of the Commonwealth. The IMP have already violated the agreement, we are simply demonstrating to them that they cannot violate it without having any sort of response from ourselves. For too long the DTR have turned a blind eye to the activities of the IMP and the Meklan Baron in their attempts to destroy the Commonwealth. And we say no more. The Commonwealth will stand against those who seek to destroy it.

GGG: You have stated that the DTR remain absolutely committed to the ideals of the Commonwealth. How does claiming the Straddle System for the DTR fit with those ideals?

Jerusalem: Well, first of all, the people of the Straddle System are not humans, and were never part of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is a human organisation located in the Inner Empire. Straddle is an alien system in the Capellan region of space. The sentients of the Straddle System suffered under many long hard years of Imperial occupation, until we liberated them during the war. They were none too happy about being in an IMP system again, but we explained to them that this was administrative, and they would remain free to live as if they were part of the Republic. What has happened is they have seen the monstrous behaviour of the IMP and the HLQ, they have seen the results of meklanisation, and they want the increased level of protection that being in the DTR affords. We think the sentients of Straddle have a right to self-determination. In fact, was this not the exact same argument that the Baron LiQuan used about the people of Dolphinus? And I don't recall the Imperial Viceroy having a problem with that act of self-determination.

GGG: Viceroy Githyanki was quick to respond to the counter claim, mentioning even the possibility of "full scale war". Was that the reaction you were expecting?

Jerusalem: Frankly, I think if the DTR were to announce that we quite like chocolate biscuits, Viceroy Githyanki would announce his intent to declare war on us for our chocolate biscuit loving ways. The truth of the matter is that the IMP want a war, and they are determined to pick one.

GGG: Will we see more new system claims and counter claims from the DTR in the near future? If so, where?

Jerusalem: We certainly hope not. We hope that this gesture brings some sanity back to the IMP and the HLQ, and that they return the Commonwealth system claims to the Commonwealth. Of course, if this fails, then it will mean the IMP have no interest in honouring the Peace Accord, and we will have no choice but to declare them in violation of the terms of the Peace Accord. Be assured, we have no interest in starting a shooting war with anybody. But if the IMP seek to test our resolve on this they will find us prepared. We are the Detinus Republic, we are the last best hope for peace and truth and justice.


Five Steps to Preserve Peace
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

With peace among humans threatened once more by the machinations of petty warmongers, there are a few things that could be done not only to avoid armed conflict now but to secure a prolonged period of stability. Here are our suggestions:

1. Replace the IMP Viceroy. Viceroy Githyanki wants a war and everyone knows it. Until the Imperial Services put a sane and reliable person in charge of their affiliation, in the best tradition of Lord Simms and General Krieger, new excuses for bloodshed will keep resurfacing.

2. Put a leash on Baron LiQuan. The infamous Meklan Baron has clashed against anyone with enough free time to respond to his provocations, always retreating to a safe position behind the confed warfleet and waiting for others to do the real fighting. The Confederacy needs to control this noble trouble maker or stop bailing him out.

3. Consolidate the Imperial factions. Now that the war is over, all affiliations loyal to the Empire should have their roles reassessed and reassigned in order to better fit within one single government and no longer to one of two opposing factions. If we want a strong human nation, we need to stop thinking in terms of Imperials and Confederates.

4. Bring the DTR to a reasonable compromise. The Republicans are strong defenders of the Commonwealth but seem unwilling to make any accommodations for the greater good. Perhaps it's time to stop claiming Inner Empire systems for the DTR while everyone else is supposed to claim for the Commonwealth. Perhaps it's time to stop building massive platforms in orbit of Earth without approval from other Commonwealth partners.

5. Relaunch the Commonwealth. The Peace Accord was a great achievement but the document itself starts to show its age. We live in a new galactic status quo and we need a Constitution that addresses the present state of affairs. Not an easy task and not a job for impatient people, but certainly a noble goal worth pursuing.


GGG - Issue 20 - 211.17.1

Interview: Korpen Nygard, member of the Association of Free Traders (AFT)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

After the AFT offensive against the terrorist base IND Big Whisky (57700), on Mobile Bay, Yank System, we talked with the man in charge of this operation, Korpen Nygard of the AFT.

GGG: What made you decide to organize a military campaign against the known terrorist Kanji?

Nygard: Quite some time ago, Kanji attempted boardings of AFT cargo vessels, fired upon others and took a few newly created outposts. Ships and troops in my employ responded at the time, destroying a ground party, several scouts and a broadsword. Kanji's followers then seemed to desist, and I cleared my lists and had my forces stand down. I was under the impression that a lesson had been learned, but with recent events it would seem the lesson had been forgotten. The recent campaign is merely a reinforcement of the earlier lesson. And despite the bluster now, I suspect Kanji is aware there are softer options open to him.

GGG: Kanji has been attacking traders for a long time, why only now you've decided to retaliate?

Nygard: I responded straight after the first round, but I was possibly a little less publicly vocal about it. As I mentioned, several scouts were destroyed, a Broadsword and such. Kanji might have been targeting traders, but he has not been targeting the AFT for quite some time. Then recently, a newly formed AFT trading company had their caravel destroyed by Kanji's followers. I took it upon myself to mete out a little comeback and, as I said, reinforce the earlier lesson.

GGG: How does this campaign fit within the AFT profile of a peaceful and neutral affiliation?

Nygard: Perfectly well, I think. Being neutral at heart and core means we have no political agenda, nor wish to become embroiled in the politicking or policies of others. Peaceful? Certainly. Has the AFT ever declared war upon anyone? Started any conflict? We wish on the whole to be able to go about our business unmolested. Empires, alliances, wars and other happenings that might be considered the "greater" happenings are for governments, not for independent trading companies. But being peaceful does not mean you won't defend yourself. Being neutral doesn't mean you won't protect your interests. I find a little irony in that the AFT came from human beginnings, with its neutral stance, and the alien races are the ones that seem to understand the neutrality, work with it, trust it, and be quite happy to accept it, while it seems to be only a handful of human affiliations that struggle to grasp the concept or that remain skeptical.

GGG: How many positions belonging to Kanji have you captured or destroyed so far, and what losses did you suffer during the campaign?

Nygard: Captured, just the one. Destroyed, I have a feeling there could be a couple more scouts way back, but certainly one small ground party, one broadsword and four scouts. Troops losses were a little one-sided in the taking of the base: 38 troops in my employ were killed during the whole operation, while Kanji, employing predominantly mercenaries, seemed to lose in excess of 700. The remainder seemed to have fled by the following day.

GGG: Did you have any difficulties obtaining permission from the KAS authorities to attack a starbase in the Yank System or did they seem to be happy with the move against Kanji?

Nygard: Happy isn't a word I'd use. The KAS agreed only because of the production of nukes, and the AFT were not to benefit from the action. The base has been handed over to the KAS authorities. We are also aiding the clean-up process with a tech to help clean the radiated sector, and my thanks go out to those able to assist with this. All told, the cost of the whole operation is approaching 300,000 stellars. The only benefit for the AFT is a diminished Kanji, and that the next time one of his captains gets an itchy finger, he or she may well think twice.

GGG: Do you plan to continue the campaign against Kanji?

Nygard: That is purely down to Kanji. I would be quite happy to go about my normal day to day business, but at this stage several of his known ships will be targeted by my few. Any others found to be acting suspiciously will be investigated.


DTR Under Fire
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

An unexpected number of Detinus Republic (DTR) positions have been involved in battles in these last few days. Almost at the same time that DTR forces were engaging IND-flagged Meklan forces in the Faery System, DTR ships were being targeted by pirates in Aquarius, China, and in Faery itself. Also, two DTR ships that seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time were destroyed, one by the House LiQuan (HLQ) and the other by the Felini Tyranny (FEL). No big losses for the republicans but perhaps enough to wake up some sleepy senators.


GGG - Issue 19 - 211.14.1

Interview: Baron LiQuan, leader of House LiQuan (HLQ)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Once again, Baron LiQuan is at the center of a controversy. For the second time this year, the Dolphinus System, part of the Inner Empire and part of the Commonwealth, is being claimed by House LiQuan. The last time this happened, the IMP threatened to go to war against them. This time, things seem to be different. We talked with the Baron himself to get his views on this matter.

GGG: We have been informed that House LiQuan is once again claiming the Dolphinus System and the Fortress System in the name of the HLQ and not for the Commonwealth as before. Is that true? If so, why?

LiQuan: House LiQuan is the legal representative of the Emperor in those systems. We have decided, with the Emperor blessing, to claim these systems in his name where his rule alone will be recognised.

GGG: Is this move intended to be a break from the terms of the Peace Accord and the rules of the Commonwealth? What are the HLQ views on the status quo of the Inner Empire and the Inner Confederacy?

LiQuan: Claiming the systems does not break the peace accord, but certain people disagree on this. However, confirming that the Emperor rules these systems and not the Triumvirate Council does. I believe the systems in the Inner Empire and Inner Confederacy should all be claimed for the Emperor. He is after all the leader of the human race and these systems are the home of the human race. To keep the peace I am willing to allow the rebels to continue claiming the systems they have there at the moment.

GGG: The last time the Dolphinus System was claimed for the HLQ, the IMP Viceroy issued a public cease and desist ultimatum demanding the claim for the Commonwealth to be restored. What is different now?

LiQuan: House LiQuan has worked hard to improve its relations with the Imperial Block, which has allowed us to become allied again. This time more preparation has gone into this and the Emperor has given his support. Also, this is happening under the leadership of the Baron and not his son. I don't believe the Imperials or the Confederacy will go against the Emperors wishes. After all, I am sure they want the Emperor to rule just as much as I do.

GGG: If Dolphinus becomes indeed a system claimed by the HLQ, could this be the beginning of a balkanization of the Inner Empire, with the SMS claiming Apollo fir the SMS, the CNF claiming Sparta for the CNF, the GTT claiming Ross 248 for the GTT, etc?

LiQuan: I don't think these things will happen. The Emperor has given control of a few systems to noble houses, something that's well documented. These houses have certain rights in these systems to ensure order and stability in the Emperor's name. The GTT and SMS are valued corporate holdings and it would be a big change in direction for them to claim systems on behalf of themselves. Most of the systems should be claimed for the Confederacy and Imperials, who are the Emperor's representatives for the day to day running of the Empire.

GGG: And what about the Sol System?

LiQuan: The Sol System could be a matter for some debate. I would personally go for the Confederacy, since they have close ties with the DTR, who would more likely accept that than the Imperials claiming the system. However, a lot depends on whether the DTR wish to bring the fear of war back to the Empire.


IMP Viceroy Forsakes the Commonwealth
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

At the time of the appeasement between the IMP and the HLQ, many people asked what could have dissuaded a warmonger like Githyanki, the IMP Viceroy, from starting a little war. The answer is simple: a bigger war. We are now seeing the other end of the sweet deals sealed behind closed doors, ensuring the reinstatement of Baron LiQuan's title and a extremely lenient sentence for his son. With support from the IMP Viceroy himself, Baron LiQuan is now initiating a rupture in the Commonwealth by claiming systems for House LiQuan and going against the Triumvirate Council. After these new claims, it didn't take long for Githyanki to come forward and declare, in his unmistakable crude style, that the Triumvirate Council and the Commonwealth are "false establishments with no legitimate power".

This new IMP Viceroy, who ascended to power under questionable circumstances, is a menace to humans everywhere. His goal is clear. He is now throwing away years of diplomatic efforts to reunite humans everywhere, he is disregarding all the consequences to peaceful citizens across the galaxy, he is nonchalantly disposing of the Commonwealth, the Triumvirate Council, and by extension the Peace Accord itself, all this to open a way for a large scale war against the DTR. Githyanki is trying to pick a fight, a big fight that will have an unthinkable cost for all sides, and he has to be stopped. Won't honorable members of the Imperial Services step up and say "no more of this nonsense, we need a Viceroy who will consolidate the peace and not one intent on spreading blood and destruction"?


GGG - Issue 18 - 211.12.1

Interview: Consul Armand, leader of the Falconian Republic (FCN)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Following the announcement of Elder Soviet Partnership (ESP) treaty, a cooperation agreement between the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) and the Falconian Republic (FCN), we talked with Consul Armand, leader of the Falconians, to learn more about this new pact.

GGG: What exactly is the Elder Soviet Partnership (ESP)?

Armand: The ESP is an alliance of the Falconian and Dewiek people which works to the benefit of both parties by maximising collaboration in economic areas such as trade, industry, research and security. The Falconian and Deweik territories form two separate soviets with complete independence of government. [Editor's Note: "soviet" is a Russian word, from Earth, meaning "council".] The Falconian Consul has complete authority on Falconian affairs and the Wolf Mother and Elder Council have complete authority over Dewiek territories. A council is in place so that joint decisions can be reached on matters affecting both soviets. Signs of this close cooperation with our comrade Dewiek are the DEN starbases on the Falconian homeworld as well as the FCN starbase on their homeworld and FCN privileges to develop in the Dewiek Home Periphery. You will also have noticed our joint offer to sponsor the Great Trade Race (TM) which is an example of our desire to promote public trading and assist the small business sentient.

GGG: For many people, at first sight, the ESP sounds like a first step towards a merging of affiliations, with the FCN losing some of its sovereignty to the DEN. How close is this to the truth?

Armand: Soviets have complete autonomy over their own affairs. By close cooperation we will all prosper and so be better able to project and protect our own unique identities in the peripheries.

GGG: Will the ESP eventually include other species?

Armand: There is no arbitrary limit set on the possible number of soviets. All soviets would be expected to contribute fully for the greater good and respect the integrity and territory of the other members, as well as abiding by agreed policies of the soviet council.

GGG: What effect will the ESP have in the Falconian participation in the Consortium? Will the DEN join in the war against the FLZ? Or will the FCN withdraw from the hostilities?

Armand: I have spoken with the Consortium leadership and a statement will be made in due course. Hostilities with the FLZ are an internal FCN affair, as is our anti slavery campaigning. I will go no further in answering this.


What's the Big Deal?
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

Gambling networks across the peripheries went wild after FET CEO Zuvoro Norozov announced that he was looking for a ship capable of carrying a single 30,500 MUs item. A huge number of bets over the nature of such bulky contraption have already been placed with bookies and speculators from all corners of the galaxy. The most popular suppositions about what Mr. Norozov wants to transport included an orbital platform and a large university complex, but a few more adventurous highrollers went with more extravagant ideas, such as a luxurious mansion to serve as the official residence of the FET CEO or a statue of the True One made as a gift for the BHD. What is your guess?


GGG - Issue 17 - 211.11.1

Interview: Black Jack, leader of the Trade Acceptance Group (TAG)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

It's not often that a newcomer to the peripheries succeeds in building his own affiliation instead of joining one of the already established organizations out there. Black Jack did that and created the Trade Acceptance Group (TAG), yet another merchant affiliation claiming to be politically neutral.

GGG: First of all, congratulations on the creation of your new affiliation, the TAG. Why did you choose to start your own affiliation instead of joining one of the already established affiliations?

BJ: I did not want to be tied to a history complete with friends and enemies. All of the major blocks come complete with a full stable of both. Even the AFT has a history of war with the IMP block so is not free from this chain. The GCE comes closest but they are a family owned business and I am in the wrong family. As my own boss, I can decide the direction of the company and how it will fare. I know I will never have the opportunities a large block could offer or the toys they have but that is fine. As a non-aligned business, I have other opportunities someone from the large blocks don't have. And the toys are mostly military equipment and our business has a firm stand on its no-warship policy so that is not really a factor.

GGG: What are the TAG goals and how does the affiliation fit in the political spectrum?

BJ: We want to become a major force in transportation of goods around the stars, modelled somewhat after the Mohache. In the short run, a mid-level organization that can take shipping that is too small for the Mohache to bother with. In some years, I am hopeful our growth will allow us to compete with the Mohache directly. On the political spectrum, we are strictly neutral and will do nothing to break this neutrality. Any base in a claimed system will support that claim without discrimination. No spy missions, no selling of information or positions spotted.

GGG: Where is the affiliation based and how far it extends its trade activity?

BJ: We are based right now on Mobile Bay where our HQ is TAG Pershing. This base is still in the growth stage but we are acquiring modules to expand its size. We have had trade runs in IMP, CNF, DTR and FCN space to date and expect to reach the Cluster and Halo soon to do business there.

GGG: We understand that you managed to pay the new affiliation fee of one million stellars by obtaining a loan from the EEM. How did you get such a large advance without collateral of the same or higher value? And if you indeed had anything evaluated in that high bracket, how did you get it in such a short period of activity?

BJ: We did have collateral in excess of one million stellars at the time of the loan. Our base on Mobile Bay exceeded that amount at the time of the loan. Now I do not pretend to understand the valuation method used by the EEM and, to be honest, I felt their valuation of the base to be excessive, but who am I to tell them that? But their valuation of a merchandising complex far exceeds the value of the 25 modules that go into that complex. The fact that I built almost nothing but merchandising complexes at the start brought in a large weekly income that I used to buy yet more modules for factories that are now producing yet more modules in a (hopefully) never ending spiral of growth. And we now even have a small shipyard area building barges.

GGG: What are the TAG next big projects?

BJ: We are currently looking at other areas of space for a second base to grow the corporation. Though this will be slowed obviously while we continue the expansion of TAG Pershing.


Cheap Shots
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

+ HLQ ships get attacked by pirates again, Baron LiQuan blames the DTR but offers no evidence for their involvement.

+ Krazy Kastorian Kanji invades an empty CNF hiport in the Inner Empire for the second time, and brags about his ability to steal unguarded property.

+ GTT Trade Director Bob Bost announces his retirement from the affiliation, leaving more space for éminence grise Ike Krieger to expand his influence.

+ Kasius Ven leaves the DTR after a very short stay and joins the BHD, trading the gods of bureaucracy for the gods of arrogance.

+ Allegedly peaceful and neutral traders from the AFT spotted flying 200 Heavy Hulls warships, making people wonder how peaceful and how neutral they really are.

+ RCF rebels create problems for the HLQ among the population of Jericho, Baron LiQuan expected to blame the DTR.


A note from the editor

At the time we closed our last edition, we had not heard back from Michelle Diaz, leader of the DTR, about the possible GTT-DTR crisis (apparently totally defused now). But I want to register here that Ms. Diaz did contact us later, and we thank her for that. Too often our requests for comments or for interviews go unanswered, and we are very appreciative when starcaptains or affiliation officials take time from their busy schedules to talk with the free press.

Cornelius Merryheart
Editor of the Great Galactic Gazette

GGG - Issue 16 - 211.8.1

GTT-DTR Crisis

by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

James Stryker, CEO of the Galactic Trade and Transport (GTT), announced this week the capture of a Detinus Republic (DTR) agent operating inside the outpost GTT Ves Gralock (76578), on the gas giant Bork's Dilemma, Rebellion System. Under interrogation, the agent known as Grey Man revealed to be working for Angus Sivar, DTR Minister of Defence. Approximately a week earlier, the same outpost had been sabotaged to change its flag from GTT to IND, an action that now has a prime suspect, the DTR agent Grey Man, who died during his interrogation by the GTT security staff.

We contacted Michelle Diaz, DTR Speaker of the House of Lords, to try to get their version of the incident, but received no reply. Cassius Jerusalem, DTR Foreign Minister, made a public statement apologizing for the incident but also suggesting that this could be just a case of inactive agents from the time of the war now resurfacing due to stricter security measures. Mr. Jerusalem also stated that to the best of his knowledge "not a single DTR agent or operative has run operations inside any IMP-bloc starbase since the end of the war", adding that he would resign from his office immediately if proved incorrect on this situation.

We talked with Mr. Stryker to get a better sense of how the GTT is reacting to this incident. "I naturally assumed the reflagging of the outpost to have been the handiwork of the COK or RCF and you can imagine my surprise when the crackdown revealed the presence of a hacking specialist on the payroll of the DTR. It appears the agent, Grey Man, has been there for about two years and no evidence was turned up implicating the DTR in the nefarious goings on at that outpost in the recent past. The evidence does not completely exonerate them either."

Regardless of the agent being responsible for the reflagging of the outpost or not, the mere presence of a DTR agent inside a GTT outpost can be seen as a very serious matter. Mr. Stryker is certainly not taking it lightly. "Under certain circumstances, using agents at someone else's base could be considered an act of war. If the GTT had proven DTR complicity in the act of flagging our base over to IND, there would have been serious consequences for that. It would probably be a stretch to consider the mere having agents at someone else's base a breach of the peace treaty, but employing such agents is counter to the spirit of the treaty. The sudden revelation of the DTR employing agents against the GTT has seriously undermined their reputation with us. This is a dark cloud that will hang over GTT-DTR relations for a long time to come."


Great Trade Race (TM) Suspended
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

The Great Trade Race (TM) has been suspended due to lack of interest. We don't have enough sponsors to generate attractive prizes and we don't have enough markets to build an interesting challenge to competitors. We are sorry that we could not offer the sort of entertaining and profitable event we envisioned. We blame nobody but ourselves, for our excessive optimism and for thinking that all the cries of "we need more trade" and "nobody sells to my market" would translate into some enthusiasm for a tournament like the Great Trade Race (TM). We were surprised that only a couple of entrepreneurial minds offered to sponsor the competition, while some of the big affiliations sitting on large piles of money remained totally silent on the matter, but we were even more surprised that very few starbase governors wanted to use this opportunity to sell and buy items of their choosing. Again, the fault is ours for misreading the current situation and for thinking that all the people complaining about the state of galactic trading would actually want to do something that could generate some sparks. Our deepest thanks to the few individuals who offered to participate in the Great Trade Race (TM), especially those willing to sponsor it and those volunteering their markets.


GGG - Issue 15 - 211.5.1

Interview: Ike Krieger, former IMP Viceroy, now a GTT member

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

At first it felt like it would be an awkward meeting. Mr. Ike Krieger greeted us without even standing up from his comfortable chair. But after a few moments the retired general of the Imperial Services, former IMP Patrol Commissioner, former IMP Viceroy, seemed to mellow out a bit and, with a new found smile, offered us a chair. Perhaps we were witnessing the first traces of his new civilian life sprouting out. Or perhaps it was just the effects of Mohache Cigar or the nondescript beverage he had in his hands.

GGG: Why did you decide to leave the IMP?

Krieger: I have spent my life in the Imperial Services. I fought in two wars against the combined forces of the rebels and the Detinus Republic and honestly thought that I would die some day with my boots on and a blaster in each hand, defending the Empire that I love. But then came the peace, my tenure as Viceroy and a feeling that I had done all that I could do for the Imperial Services and that from this point forward I would just be coasting. Yawn. Kriegers are not coasters. We need challenge and excitement, and with peace those can only be found in the corporate world, where incidentally I might make a few stellars as well.

GGG: How did Githyanki, rumored to be retiring, then rumored to be creating a splinter faction of the IMP, suddenly became the new Viceroy in what seems a big change of direction for the affiliation?

Krieger: It is no secret that Githyanki is favored by the Emperor. Anyone who thinks Emperor Lysander is a figurehead is in for a nasty surprise. As an Imperial officer I took an oath to serve the Empire and die for that Empire if necessary. It seemed that if I retired it would be easier for all concerned and much less painful than dying.

GGG: Why did you choose to join the GTT?

Krieger: I am intensely loyal to the Empire. I have certain skills that the GTT are willing to pay me generously for. There were numerous offers to my resume, but I cannot change who and what I am and thus I am self-limited in what offers I could accept.

GGG: You used to have an interest in shipbuilding. Will the Krieger family continue in that line of business?

Krieger: For a general, I do have an intense interest in all things naval. I expect to design and produce multiple types of ships for the GTT and very likely for public sale.

GGG: Do you plan to have a political role in the GTT? Or will the former leader of the Imperial Services be content as just one of the hoi polloi?

Krieger: Ike Krieger is a team player. Rumours that I'll have James Strykers' seat at HQ are totally unfounded! Just another guy? That's for the PR people. In reality a Krieger's ego is too big to be that restrained. You won't print that last part, will you?


GGG Presents the Great Trade Race (TM)
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

As an incentive to free trade in the peripheries, we at the Great Galactic Gazette have decided to organize the first Great Trade Race (TM). It will be a friendly competition in which enterprising starcaptains will use one single cargo ship to buy and sell specific goods in a series of starbases across the galaxy, trying to be the first to complete the full circuit. Besides the profit to be made from the trade runs themselves, there will be a medal and a huge first prize in shiny stellars to be paid to the winner and also prizes for two runners-up. The full rules will be published at a later date.

At this point, we are accepting participants in three categories:

Competitors - Starcaptains can enter the competition with one single ship, of any configuration, capable of carrying 2,400 MUs of normal cargo. All flags (except PIR) are welcome. To be part of the Great Trade Race (TM), send a message to the GGG stating the ship name, registration number and specs (flag, class, number of hulls), as well as the name of the officer in charge.

Markets - Starbase governors are invited to participate by offering to buy and sell goods in packages of 2,400 MUs, with a minimum commitment of selling 24,000 MUs of one item and buying 24,000 MUs of another item. All flags (except PIR) are welcome, as long as the markets are accessible to anyone and the orbits are safe for anyone (except PIR). To be part of the Great Trade Race (TM), send a message to the GGG stating the starbase name, registration number and location, as well as a list of items and quantities you want to buy and sell.

Sponsors - There are four sponsorship quotas for sale, each with a value of 250,000 stellars. The total will cover the prizes and the administrative costs. All sponsors will receive advertisement space in the GGG and in all Great Trade Race (TM) communications. To be a sponsor of the Great Trade Race (TM), send a message to the GGG stating you name, affiliation, and the number of quotas you want to purchase. We will also consider the donation of items to be added as extra rewards for the participants.


GGG - Issue 14 - 211.4.1

Pirates Everywhere

by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

Piracy has been a problem since the early days of space exploration. Starcaptains have learned how to deal with the occasional raiders and to accept their existence in the same way they tolerate stray asteroids or faulty equipment, just as inevitable annoyances of life in the peripheries. Today, however, the situation has changed considerably and piracy has escalated from a sporadic inconvenience to a real threat to our way of life. In the last few weeks, for example, we have seen pirate attacks in many systems of different peripheries, not all of them successful but quite a few resulting in the loss of ships and in major disruption of outposts and even starbases.

One big part of the problem is the change in the nature of piracy itself. Many of these pirate attacks are not the traditional opportunistic theft of a ship that was left lingering for too long in the same unprotected quadrant. Instead of trying to get some quick profit from stolen property, these ruffians aim to destroy assets and disrupt operations of legitimate affiliations. They destroy ships on sight, without any attempt of capture. They blast small outposts from orbit or take them for short periods and then leave quickly. There is obviously no direct profit in any of these attacks, so we are led to believe that their pirate flags are merely disguises: we are actually dealing with mercenaries hired by adversaries that don't want to show their faces or with covert operations conducted by these same cowardly opponents.

Space is vast and it's impossible to patrol every single quadrant everyday looking for pirates. That's their strength, the ability to hide away easily. It's not impossible, however, to apply stern measures against anyone who associates with pirates. That's their weakness, without sympathizers to hire them or to buy their stolen goods or to provide shelter piracy becomes an unprofitable business. A previous surge in piracy was successfully derailed when the affiliation that aided and abetted them saw itself under attack: the IMP-GTT-FET war against the RIP cost them a few vital starbases and a couple of system claims, resulting in the retirement of several pirates who now lacked the support to make their operations profitable. If some of those pirates are back in activity or if we have new pirates taking their places, that's because they have new sponsors. Target the sponsors, the pirates will go away again.

Sadly, affiliations known for their association with pirates are currently being forgiven or ignored. The KRL were caught running pirate ships in the Halo Periphery and as a result were attacked by the IMP, but one of the first things the new Viceroy did was not only to declare a state of ceasefire with the KRL but to reward them with the claim to the Storm System. The RCF have been caught working with pirate fleets in the Halo Periphery, but other than a small CNF operation against them there's apparently no real opposition to these rebels or to their supposed new partners, the RIP. And a recent wave of pirate attacks in the Inner Empire (with the GTT being the main victim with the loss of one major starbase and a whole fleet of starships) was repelled by only two thirds of the Triumvirate, the IMP and the CNF, while the other third, the DTR, didn't even bother to offer assistance.

If the current attitude towards piracy doesn't change the problem will only get worse. We need to stop blaming the victims as if they only lost their ships or outposts because they were not protecting them as they should. We need instead to start being more severe with pirate collaborators and more willing to confront piracy anywhere, even if it seems to be too far away from our comfortable homes. If you are not fighting against piracy, you are already helping the pirates.


IMP Still Leaking Members
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

After losing Grand Duke Ravenstone to the CNF, now the IMP see yet another member leaving the affiliation, none other than former Viceroy and former Patrol Commissioner Ike Krieger. A note from the IMP Capellan Times announced General Krieger's retirement without mentioning his next move, but observant eyes have already noticed that he is now wearing a GTT badge. Meanwhile, IMP Viceroy Githyanki is probably still convinced that the loss of a Grand Duke and the loss of a former Viceroy have no connection with his political skills.
