Interview: Admiral H.P. Simms, Grand Duke of the Capellan Reaches
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG
This week Emperor Lysander granted the title of Grand Duke of the Capellan Reaches to Admiral H.P. Simms, popularly known as Lord Simms, for his tenure as former Viceroy and "in recognition of more than a decade in the role and his continuing support of the Empire in the Capellan Periphery". This is obviously an exceptional honor and only the second Grand Duke of the Empire in more than 50 years (the first one being the Grand Duke of the Imperial Frontier). The last person to hold the title of Grand Duke of the Capellan Reaches was Lord Rachmaninov, who for a time after the Rebellion governed Tau Ceti, Pollux and Trinity. Grand Duke Simms, who is now signing his messages just as Capellan Reaches, holds the claim to no less than five systems within the Capellan Peripheries.
GGG: For how long have you been a member of the Imperial Services (IMP) and for how long did you serve as Viceroy?
Simms: I joined the Imperial Services in 194, having been sent out from the Inner Empire to fill the role of Patrol Commissioner. I took over as Viceroy about eighteen months later and served until circa 208/9.
GGG: Why did you decide to step down as Viceroy?
Simms: I had achieved my objective of negotiating an equitable end to a war that I considered neither side could win and felt that is was time for new blood with new ideas to head the Imperial Services.
GGG: Viceroy Krieger seemed to be following your good steps and working towards more peace and more unification, but after his resignation and the assassination of Viceroy Blackthorne, the IMP had a strange shift in policy, with Viceroy Githyanki reneging the Commonwealth and adopting a much more belligerent stance. What are your views on current IMP policy?
Simms: As a member of the Comand Council it would be inappropriate for me to comment on Imperial Policy.
GGG: More than a year has passed since Viceroy Blackthorne was murdered. Yet, no suspect has been arrested or charged with the crime and it seems that the IMP are not able or willing to find and prosecute whoever was responsible for this heinous assassination. How can that be?
Simms: Anti-matter explosions leave very little evidence and the actual perpetrator is believed to have died in the blast, so asking who his employer was is not a viable proposition.
GGG: What changes for you now that you are a Grand Duke?
Simms: I shall continue doing my duty as a member of the Imperial Services, the only real change will be to my signature: Capellan Reaches.
The Battle of the Wastelands: Who Won and Who Lost?
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG
As we observed the last Dewiek ships leaving the orbit of Kalahari, the question was already in our minds: who are the winners here? The situation contains enough complications to allow any side to claim victory, depending on which aspect they want to prioritize. As an exercise in galactic politics, we made a list of where each participant scored positive and negative points. Obviously, lists of this kind are subjective and incomplete, and you may have different views on the subject. Here is how we see it.
Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN)
(+) Showed that if they want a battle there will be a battle.
(+) Destroyed 36 ships while losing only 8 ships.
(+) Showed that they can count on the support (or at least the non-involvement) of the IMP even when they attack another Imperial affiliation.
(-) Showed that they don't respect Imperial Space and don't care for legally registered claims.
(-) Were surprised by the level of support the RVN had to defend the Wastelands System.
(-) Didn't achieve their stated goal of changing the claim to the Wastelands System.
(-) Didn't achieve their stated goal of obtaining transit rights for the DEN in RVN systems.
House Ravenstone (RVN)
(+) Showed no hesitation in defending Imperial Space against forces in superior number and technology.
(+) Maintained the status quo of their system claims.
(+) Showed that they have friends that will help in times of need.
(-) Were forced into a fight they would prefer not to fight.
(-) Lost 13 ships and a big chunk of an orbital platform.
House LiQuan (HLQ)
(+) Showed they are there to defend Imperial Space and to support a Noble House.
(-) Lost 19 ships.
Confederate Forces (CNF)
(+) Showed they are there to defend Imperial Space and to support a Noble House.
(-) Lost 4 ships.
Galactic Trade & Transport (GTT)
(+) Showed they are there to defend Imperial Space and to support a Noble House.
(+) Showed they are ready to put honor before profit.
(-) Lost assets in the Dewiek Pocket Periphery as a consequence of siding against the DEN.
(-) Showed that their starcaptains need either better training or more restraint, as their warships shot at friend and foe indiscriminately.
Imperial Services (IMP)
(-) Showed that, under their current Viceroy, their oath to defend space claimed in the name of the Empire is worthless.
(-) Showed that, under their current Viceroy, they will stand idle while an alien affiliation, their allies no less, attack Imperial Citizens in Imperial Space.