GGG - Issue 20 - 211.17.1

Interview: Korpen Nygard, member of the Association of Free Traders (AFT)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

After the AFT offensive against the terrorist base IND Big Whisky (57700), on Mobile Bay, Yank System, we talked with the man in charge of this operation, Korpen Nygard of the AFT.

GGG: What made you decide to organize a military campaign against the known terrorist Kanji?

Nygard: Quite some time ago, Kanji attempted boardings of AFT cargo vessels, fired upon others and took a few newly created outposts. Ships and troops in my employ responded at the time, destroying a ground party, several scouts and a broadsword. Kanji's followers then seemed to desist, and I cleared my lists and had my forces stand down. I was under the impression that a lesson had been learned, but with recent events it would seem the lesson had been forgotten. The recent campaign is merely a reinforcement of the earlier lesson. And despite the bluster now, I suspect Kanji is aware there are softer options open to him.

GGG: Kanji has been attacking traders for a long time, why only now you've decided to retaliate?

Nygard: I responded straight after the first round, but I was possibly a little less publicly vocal about it. As I mentioned, several scouts were destroyed, a Broadsword and such. Kanji might have been targeting traders, but he has not been targeting the AFT for quite some time. Then recently, a newly formed AFT trading company had their caravel destroyed by Kanji's followers. I took it upon myself to mete out a little comeback and, as I said, reinforce the earlier lesson.

GGG: How does this campaign fit within the AFT profile of a peaceful and neutral affiliation?

Nygard: Perfectly well, I think. Being neutral at heart and core means we have no political agenda, nor wish to become embroiled in the politicking or policies of others. Peaceful? Certainly. Has the AFT ever declared war upon anyone? Started any conflict? We wish on the whole to be able to go about our business unmolested. Empires, alliances, wars and other happenings that might be considered the "greater" happenings are for governments, not for independent trading companies. But being peaceful does not mean you won't defend yourself. Being neutral doesn't mean you won't protect your interests. I find a little irony in that the AFT came from human beginnings, with its neutral stance, and the alien races are the ones that seem to understand the neutrality, work with it, trust it, and be quite happy to accept it, while it seems to be only a handful of human affiliations that struggle to grasp the concept or that remain skeptical.

GGG: How many positions belonging to Kanji have you captured or destroyed so far, and what losses did you suffer during the campaign?

Nygard: Captured, just the one. Destroyed, I have a feeling there could be a couple more scouts way back, but certainly one small ground party, one broadsword and four scouts. Troops losses were a little one-sided in the taking of the base: 38 troops in my employ were killed during the whole operation, while Kanji, employing predominantly mercenaries, seemed to lose in excess of 700. The remainder seemed to have fled by the following day.

GGG: Did you have any difficulties obtaining permission from the KAS authorities to attack a starbase in the Yank System or did they seem to be happy with the move against Kanji?

Nygard: Happy isn't a word I'd use. The KAS agreed only because of the production of nukes, and the AFT were not to benefit from the action. The base has been handed over to the KAS authorities. We are also aiding the clean-up process with a tech to help clean the radiated sector, and my thanks go out to those able to assist with this. All told, the cost of the whole operation is approaching 300,000 stellars. The only benefit for the AFT is a diminished Kanji, and that the next time one of his captains gets an itchy finger, he or she may well think twice.

GGG: Do you plan to continue the campaign against Kanji?

Nygard: That is purely down to Kanji. I would be quite happy to go about my normal day to day business, but at this stage several of his known ships will be targeted by my few. Any others found to be acting suspiciously will be investigated.


DTR Under Fire
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

An unexpected number of Detinus Republic (DTR) positions have been involved in battles in these last few days. Almost at the same time that DTR forces were engaging IND-flagged Meklan forces in the Faery System, DTR ships were being targeted by pirates in Aquarius, China, and in Faery itself. Also, two DTR ships that seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time were destroyed, one by the House LiQuan (HLQ) and the other by the Felini Tyranny (FEL). No big losses for the republicans but perhaps enough to wake up some sleepy senators.
