GGG - Issue 25 - 211.43.1

Interview: Lucius Haldane, leader of the BHD Angels of Fortitude 
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

I was invited to represent the Great Galactic Gazette at the recent commencement ceremony for the warrior group Angels of Fortitude, held at BHD Olympia (60269), on planet Aquae Fortis, in the New Sol System. It was my first visit to the Inner Confederacy and the whole experience was a little intimidating, mainly due to the fact that I was probably the only non-believer among a very large number of followers of the True One, most of them seemingly ready for battle. To learn a bit more about the Angels of Fortitude in particular and the BHD in general, I had an exclusive interview with Lucius Haldane, the leader of this new group of religious warriors.

GGG: What exactly are the Angels of Fortitude and how are those troops different from other BHD troops?

Haldane: The Angels of Fortitude are the first specific group of warriors trained not only in war but also to uphold the dictates of the True Faith. Most trained troops, as you know, benefit from engramatic programming which over the course of a week of intense programming instills in them the competencies to be crack shots, tactical experts, pilots for various weapons of war, etcetera. The Angels are no different in this regard having already undergone the same regimen, but in addition the Angels devote a period of their time to study of the True Faith under the tutelage of monks from the Fraternity and swear to uphold these tenets.

GGG: Where are these troops recruited?

Haldane: The Angels have all been drawn from Aquae Fortis, either from the Confederate Liberation Force or from the general populace. Ironically, we number within our ranks some who fought against the liberation under the direction of the Inner Brotherhood. They are loyal adherents to the True Faith, possibly more so than the others as they may feel they have a point to prove. Other Brotherhood troops, at other installations may not be as strict in their adherence to the faith as those from within the Inner Confederacy or from the Darkfold periphery. We hope to show them the way.

GGG: Why were you chosen to lead the first group of these Angels of Fortitude?

Haldane: <pause> I am experienced. I fought in the war of liberation. I am from Aquae Fortis and took up arms to see the heresy of Eaton displaced. So, I have experience and I am accepted by most, having fought for the Confederacy and yet hailing from this shrine world. It... no, go on.

GGG: In your speech you talked about humanity united in one faith. What about the humans who have a different faith or no faith at all, how do you view their role in an united humanity?

Haldane: Many humans with an Earth origin worship the True Faith. The New Harmony Church is very influential on Earth, doing good works to provide for the people, many of whom have no direction or indeed hope. It is a sorrowful shame. But, as you say, there are those who do not follow the True Faith. They have their own beliefs or indeed no beliefs. I find it hard to comprehend, coming as I do from Aquae Fortis where religion is a way of life. You have seen the wayside shrines, the roving monks, the votive sellers, you should know. Anyway, the True Faith has become the dominant faith as it provides both a way of life and a means to understand one's place in a universe of high technology and xenos, the mere presence of which would have called into question the adequacies of the old faiths. For those who choose not to follow this path they must find their way in what is a hostile universe. It can't be an easy path. You know, the True Faith seeks to encourage personal development in order to better humanity. So, providing others seek to better humanity then they may be following the dictates of the True One whether they know it or not, and many religions speak about being good to other people. Obviously, any sect which seeks to undermine humanity is inimical to what the True Faith preaches and in this instance the faith needs men of purpose to deal with such heresy.

GGG: Using warriors to spread a particular faith brings memories of the Crusades that happened on Earth in the Middle Ages. Do you see any connections of this sort?

Haldane: The Crusades? I recall it was Brother Ermius who taught about the origins of religious warrior brotherhoods and there was reference to such groups as the Knights Hospitaller. Are we distant kin? I don't think so. It may appear so on face value but those who fought in the Crusades did so for many reasons - some for piety, aye, but others did so for absolution, to wash away guilt or sins, some for coin, whether from their paymaster or from loot, and others for glory and land. I recall the Christian kingdoms were carved from Arab lands. We don't seek to carve new empires, nor do we seek wealth. Glory? Fame? I suppose so, where this benefits the True Faith. I think I'd like to be remembered in the annals of the Chapter for more than being the first Chapter Master, though that is an honour in itself. Anyway, you are missing an important point. The warrior chapters do not seek to spread the faith. That is the holy path of the missionary and we are most certainly not preachers. We are a warrior chapter. Our duty is to perform the will of the True One, to defend humanity from heresy and from the xenos who would otherwise corrupt, enslave or destroy His domain. That is our reason.

GGG: You often mention "the need to perform the will of the True One above all else". How exactly can you know what the will of the True One would be?

Haldane: The will of the True One has been defined over the years by more learned men than I. When humanity broke from Earth and expanded beyond Sol the treasures of a galaxy were unveiled. So much so fast, all driven by rapidly developing technology. Technology that led to heresy as scientists ploughed ahead with research that was on occasion unethical to say the least, in labs hidden from the greater populace. The New Harmony Church came into being to shepherd humanity beyond Earth and the Brotherhood became an investigative arm to ensure the proper use and development of technology. Under the new leadership the Brotherhood aims to return back to those roots - to seek a connection with New Harmony and to ensure the safe development of technology. That is the will of the True One.

GGG: And how can you be so sure, in an age when scientific proof carries so much weight, that a True One indeed exists?

Haldane: <patient smile> Life, mr. Baxter, is all a matter of faith. You believe in the ISR field? Do you know exactly how it works? Do you understand the physics? I suspect not. Does it matter, providing the ship moves in the way commanded? Some people understand the principles perfectly and perfect them. We have faith in their knowledge and understanding of this aspect of the universe. The technology is understood by a few and accepted by the many. So it is with the True One. There are those amongst us with great faith and they use that faith to direct a path for which people may live their lives. A path which is ethical and protects the masses from the risks of unfettered technology and hostile xenos. As for me... Yes, I believe in the True One. I have seen the good that can be done in His name. I feel honoured to be in a position to further that good, to protect humanity and provide a place in the universe where our species can develop and expand safely.


FET Give Shelter to Mercenary-Pirate Group
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

Soon after mercenary-pirate Johnny Alpha was exposed by the GGG, one of his secret installations was found and attacked by DTR and AFT forces. Apparently, we weren't the only ones paying attention to his shady activities. When Johnny Alpha's outpost IND Reaper (18552), located on an asteroid in the Agripeta System, was found to be a gathering point for known pirate ships the DTR charged him with "crimes of piracy, both utilising pirate flagged ships to commit general acts of piracy and being the owner/operator of the IND Demon Of ships that have been specifically targeting DTR positions". Foreign Minister Cassius Jerusalem asked Johnny Alpha to surrender immediately and hand over any prisoners or stolen goods. In an attempt to preserve at least part of what his group had gained through questionable means, Alpha and his associates enacted an intricate dance that included, among other moves, a reflagging of ships and outposts, an apparent change of leadership, the promise of individual surrender by Johnny Alpha, and another round of reflaggings. But the most notable development was perhaps mr. Zuvoro Norozov coming forward to offer asylum to Johnny Alpha and to request all hostilities to cease because his assets were purchased by the FET. Some were enraged, some were indulgent, but the fact remains that a group that was involved in piracy is now part of the FET.

We had a short conversation with mr. Norozov to learn about his controversial views on pirates and mercenaries.

GGG: You have announced that the FET acquired assets, including ships, outposts and starbases, from the group previously led by Johnny Alpha. Even with Johnny Alpha not being part of the group any longer (if he is indeed delivered to the DTR to be tried for crimes of piracy), shouldn't that be considered giving shelter to pirates?

Norozov: Sheltering pirates. No, would never do that. The suspect has been apprehended by the DTR. FET have taking over his assets after the fact.

GGG: You like to make a distinction between pirates and mercenaries. From the victim's point of view, however, is it really that different if their attacker is acting of his own will or under orders from a client? Shouldn't pirates and mercenaries be accountable for their crimes regardless of the motivations behind them?

Norozov: Nobody likes to be a victim, but there is a distinction between pirates and mercenaries. Pirates for the most part go out of there way to steal ships, loot outposts and such like. Mercenaries are soldiers. They don't offer their services to steal. Their job is combat pure and simple. Yes, they get paid, but so do regular crew going about their duties in regular affs. Look at how affs recruit troops. They offer money to citizens to work for the aff. These new recruits are mercenaries and it is well known that they have a tendency to switch sides if a battle goes against them.

GGG: Johnny Alpha was either running or offering safe haven to some positions that attacked ships and outposts with demons who then proceeded to devour any sentients they found in their way. How do you feel about having FET members that engage in or at least condone this type of behavior?

Norozov: Mr. Alpha ran his operation within Halo, where basically anything goes. It's still to be proved that the suspect ships did in fact belong to his operation. He may have offered them the use of his facilities freely or he could have been coerced into allowing them to do so. It's all circumstantial evidence.


(Note from the Editor - In our last issue we listed IND Reaper (18552) as a ship and that was an error. IND Reaper (18552) was actually an outpost, the same one that was later reflagged to FET and then PIR. We apologize for our mistake.)
