GGG - Issue 18 - 211.12.1

Interview: Consul Armand, leader of the Falconian Republic (FCN)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Following the announcement of Elder Soviet Partnership (ESP) treaty, a cooperation agreement between the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) and the Falconian Republic (FCN), we talked with Consul Armand, leader of the Falconians, to learn more about this new pact.

GGG: What exactly is the Elder Soviet Partnership (ESP)?

Armand: The ESP is an alliance of the Falconian and Dewiek people which works to the benefit of both parties by maximising collaboration in economic areas such as trade, industry, research and security. The Falconian and Deweik territories form two separate soviets with complete independence of government. [Editor's Note: "soviet" is a Russian word, from Earth, meaning "council".] The Falconian Consul has complete authority on Falconian affairs and the Wolf Mother and Elder Council have complete authority over Dewiek territories. A council is in place so that joint decisions can be reached on matters affecting both soviets. Signs of this close cooperation with our comrade Dewiek are the DEN starbases on the Falconian homeworld as well as the FCN starbase on their homeworld and FCN privileges to develop in the Dewiek Home Periphery. You will also have noticed our joint offer to sponsor the Great Trade Race (TM) which is an example of our desire to promote public trading and assist the small business sentient.

GGG: For many people, at first sight, the ESP sounds like a first step towards a merging of affiliations, with the FCN losing some of its sovereignty to the DEN. How close is this to the truth?

Armand: Soviets have complete autonomy over their own affairs. By close cooperation we will all prosper and so be better able to project and protect our own unique identities in the peripheries.

GGG: Will the ESP eventually include other species?

Armand: There is no arbitrary limit set on the possible number of soviets. All soviets would be expected to contribute fully for the greater good and respect the integrity and territory of the other members, as well as abiding by agreed policies of the soviet council.

GGG: What effect will the ESP have in the Falconian participation in the Consortium? Will the DEN join in the war against the FLZ? Or will the FCN withdraw from the hostilities?

Armand: I have spoken with the Consortium leadership and a statement will be made in due course. Hostilities with the FLZ are an internal FCN affair, as is our anti slavery campaigning. I will go no further in answering this.


What's the Big Deal?
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

Gambling networks across the peripheries went wild after FET CEO Zuvoro Norozov announced that he was looking for a ship capable of carrying a single 30,500 MUs item. A huge number of bets over the nature of such bulky contraption have already been placed with bookies and speculators from all corners of the galaxy. The most popular suppositions about what Mr. Norozov wants to transport included an orbital platform and a large university complex, but a few more adventurous highrollers went with more extravagant ideas, such as a luxurious mansion to serve as the official residence of the FET CEO or a statue of the True One made as a gift for the BHD. What is your guess?
