GGG - Issue 11 - 210.50.1

Krazy Kastorian Kanji Continues to Cause Commotion

by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

Despite the loss of his Yank starbase IND Meteora (3914) to a well organized Confederate Intelligence Agency (CIA) attack, Kanji is still taunting both IMP and CNF by offering system knowledge to anyone wanting to join his so-called hunt in Dolphinus and by offering bounties for destruction of ships and outposts, as well as a reward for Baron Aldahan LiQuan captured dead or alive. It's doubtful that he actually has the funds to afford those bounties but he has already engaged in battle himself.

Other independent malcontents have been nothing more than a passing nuisance, but because of his access to the Inner Empire and his use of weapons of mass destruction Kanji seems to be a bit more than that. Despite not being particularly bright, the rogue Kastorian became a threat thanks to the lax policies of his former affiliation, the Frontier Exploration & Trade (FET), because it was from them that he acquired personal access to the Inner Empire. Even if the suspicions that Kanji may still be working together with at least one FET member are not confirmed, there's no doubt that they have some blame in any destruction caused by him in the Inner Empire.


Murder of a Viceroy: Still an Unsolved Mystery
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

It was very surprising that a leader of the Imperial Services (IMP) could be assassinated inside an IMP starbase. It's even more surprising that six weeks after the crime there's still no clue leading to the murderers. No news have been released to the public and even members of the IMP Command Council have no new information on this matter. Considering that the new Viceroy is so quick to bark in public at anything that he slightly perceives as a potential threat, his silence on this topic may be more revealing than any official press release. Retired FET member Peregrine Lanner suggested two appalling possibilities: that IMP starbases have an abysmal lack of security or that the assassination was an inside job. His bold implications received no comment from the IMP.


Poll Results: People Like the GGG
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

In our unrelenting effort to offer a good service, we conducted a poll to see how happy our readers are with the Great Galactic Gazette. The results were overwhelmingly positive. 87% said they read the GGG and enjoy it. 10% said they read the GGG but wouldn't miss it. 3% said they never read the GGG and don't care about it. We want to thank everyone for their support and renew our commitment to offering an informative and enjoyable publication.
