GGG - Issue Ten - 210.48.1

Interview: Fernando Garcia, CEO of Garcia Enterprises (GCE)

by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

Garcia Enterprises (GCE) has recently celebrated five years as a registered affiliation. We talked with CEO Fernando Garcia to learn more about their history.

GGG: How and why did you move from being an independent entrepreneur to becoming a full-fledged affiliation?

Garcia: Being a successful businessman from the inner empire, I decided that I wanted to build my own business. I had worked for affiliations and governments before, and wanted to build something for myself and my family away from the politics and bickering between factions. Therefore I went for the independent route as opposed to joining an affiliation already present in the peripheries. With a million stellars in my pocket, a certain change in approach could be managed as it would show the EEM that this was a steady and profitable business and that it would no longer be independent as it was too large to stay independent. I successfully floated the business on the EEM Stock Exchange and Garcia Enterprises was born. We have just celebrated our fifth year of operation. Quite an achievement in these volatile times.

GGG: Where was the Garcia family originally from and where do you call your homeworld today?

Garcia: I was born on Tribune, in the Ross 248 System, and grew up in the local community with my parents, who were both teachers. They taught me the importance of an education and as such I studied hard and did well. I took up a post at the starbase SMS Kimberley, where I spent a few years rising through the ranks and understanding the business processes and management skills required to run a starbase and a trade operation. Since moving to the Peripheries, GCE Pyran on Spritzer has become my home base and world. It was the first starbase I built for myself and has the most sentimental value. Of course, it now serves as headquarters for Garcia Enterprises and administers all my assets.

GGG: The GCE saw several changes in leadership lately, and also some problems due to associations with dubious individuals. Why did that happen and what is the situation now?

Garcia: This all happened when I needed a break. The stress of moving to a new area of space, the stress of independent life and the stress of building up an empire, all took its toll. I decided to take early retirement, enjoy the profits that I had made and tour the peripheries. I severed all ties and did not keep up to date with GCE operations. Therefore, I cannot comment on what my relatives did or why they did it. All I know is that I got a message from a loyal employee saying things were going wrong and that I was needed back. On my return, the offices were empty, the factories cold and my relatives were nowhere to be seen. I took that as a sign that I should return and that I should never have gone away. I have tried to resolve all the issues and restore my business and I believe that my reputation has improved because of this. If you see my relatives anywhere please tell them to come back and explain themselves.

GGG: Who would you say are your preferred business partners and who do you refuse to deal with?

Garcia: There is only one person I refuse to deal with currently and that is the Kultist Kanji, and the reasons for that must be obvious to everyone. I will deal with anyone else who has the stellars to pay for my services. We are neutral though and play no part in political situations or wars.

GGG: How can a small affiliation be safe and profitable in a galaxy dominated by large political powers?

Garcia: Well, to my mind, as a business, you need to speak to all the people that you want to work with. As long as there is open dialogue then people will feel free to talk to you about any concerns they may have. Your potential business partners will tell you what they need during these dialogues and as long as you deliver on your promises on time and on budget then there is no limit to the possibilities. I can't however advise on small governments as I am no politician and not involved in politics.

GGG: What would be your advice to new starcaptains wishing to create their own affiliations?

Garcia: Maintain your positions well. Make sure all your assets are identifiable. Make sure you keep your finances in the black. Never go back on a deal. Make sure you can achieve your goals or can satisfy the deal before finalising it. Only setup assets that will give you a good return on your investment. A few simple rules that will keep you on the straight and narrow. These days, operating as IND sounds a lot harder than when I was IND. That doesn't mean that it can't work anymore but I think that it would take a lot more work now.


Krazy Kastorian Kanji under attack in Yank
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

When CIA troops crossing the surface of Stack, in the Yank System, wandered near starbase IND Meteora (3914) earlier this week, they were promptly attacked. The ground party, named CIA Army Group Stack (1457), returned fire and engaged in a fierce battle with the starbase, which is property of known terrorist Kanji. The base suffered significant damage and a few docked ships were wrecked or destroyed. The Kastorian Junta is apparently not getting involved in the conflict, and several parties have already expressed their support to the CIA actions. IND Meteora is expected to fall soon, leaving known terrorist Kanji with one less base of operations.


GGG - Issue Nine - 210.47.1

GTT Starbases Changing Flags to PIR

by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

First it was starbase GTT London (2012), in the Storm System. In the midst of a battle against the KRL in week 210.39, leaders of the GTT were surprised to see their starbase suddenly flying the PIR colors. According to CEO James Stryker, an agent sabotaged base transmitters to flag it as pirate, "a dirty trick by someone lurking in the background".

Then, in week 210.46, it was starbase GTT Finkley Downs (4707), in the Yank System, that changed its flag to PIR. Again, according to Mr. Stryker, the result of a terrorist act: "an operative succeeded in tampering with base beacon, setting status to pirate". This time, however, with a starbase on the busy Mobile Bay planet, the GTT suffered automatic and immediate attack from several positions standing ready to act against pirates, including KAS, DTR, HLQ, and IDC.

It seems that the GTT are being targeted by one or more factions that favor covert operations, and they will have to strengthen up security at least in their most visible starbases to avoid a third and most embarrassing event of this kind.


Former COH Leader Executed
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

The Confederate Intelligence Agency (CIA) announced this week the sentencing and execution of the former Emperor of the COH, for crimes against the Confederacy, including the destruction of the moon Coombes in the New Sussex System and the consequent loss of thousands of civilian lives. According to their report, the prisoner was placed inside an outpost which was then blasted from orbit with a few missiles.

We contacted the CIA leader, Duke Laton, asking him a few questions about the event, including why it took several years for the Emperor of the COH to be tried for his crimes, but we received no reply. We wonder if the timing of this trial is connected in any form with the recent CNF declaration of war against the COH (officially for their alliance with the RCF) or with the upcoming trial of HLQ second-in-command Demetrius LiQuan also for the destruction of a celestial body (although the cases seem to be different in several aspects).


GGG - Issue Eight - 210.46.1

CNF Launch Campaign Against RCF

by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

Alex Carter, Secretary General of the Confederate Forces (CNF), announced this week that his affiliation will finally move against the so-called Real Confederate Forces (RCF). It has been a full year since renegade General Eddy Dean Smith left the CNF in a stormy manner, taking unauthorized assets with him and reflagging them as RCF or PIR. The RCF have been busy this whole time launching terrorist attacks against positions loyal to the Empire, mainly IMP and GTT, and the lack of reaction from the CNF had led to some speculation about how upset they really were with this splinter group.

Operation Manassas is the new CNF initiative to combat the RCF rebels and those who help them. We have reports that the first to be targeted were the Children of Hexos (COH), official allies of the RCF, who were attacked by CNF forces in the Agripeta System. Many expect the CNF campaign to restrict itself to the Halo Periphery, but more optimistic voices are already expressing their wishes for Operation Manassas to include action in the Yank System, where the RCF have been enjoying the silent support of the Kastorian Junta (KAS).


IMP Viceroy Calls Off War on HLQ, Invites Them for Tea Instead
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

After all the boisterous threats against House LiQuan, Viceroy Githyanki announced this week that IMP and HLQ have reached a mutual agreement and that there will be no unleashing of the full wrath of the Imperial army and navy. We all rejoice with the peaceful end of yet another crisis, but it's really difficult not to see how this whole episode marks once more the outstanding ineptitude of the current IMP administration to deal with complex political situations.

House LiQuan destroyed a large asteroid and the IMP outpost on it. House LiQuan organized the counterclaim of a Commonwealth system. House LiQuan gloated in public about these questionable achievements. A competent negotiator would have easily used the spurious system claim and the attack against the Imperial Services to obtain a massive compensation from the HLQ or to force them out of the Inner Empire. Instead, Viceroy Githyanki ended up agreeing on giving back the title of Baron Dolphinus to Aldahan LiQuan.

Punishment for stirring up unrest in Dolphinus? None. Punishment for destroying a whole asteroid in Mizam? Aldahan's son, Demetrius LiQuan, the person who ordered the offensive action, will be handed over to the IMP to stand trial. But no mention to the fifteen million stellars demanded by Gregor Konstantin, IMP Research Commissioner in charge of the destroyed outpost. All that could perhaps be accepted as the result of a timid negotiation, but actually supporting House LiQuan for a noble title as a reward for their misdeeds is a blunder of galactic proportions.

First, IMP Viceroy Githyanki gives the KRL the right to claim the Storm System, despite their use of pirate ships to attack Imperial positions. Then, IMP Viceroy Githyanki gives the HLQ his support for a noble title, despite their attack against IMP positions and their encouragement of civil unrest against the Commonwealth. The lesson here seems to be clear: attacking the IMP is a good to way to achieve your goals, they will huff and they will puff but in the end they will give you what you want.


GGG - Issue Seven - 210.45.1

New IMP Viceroy Gives Ultimatum to HLQ

by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG

Githyanki, a former Patrol Commissioner who came out of retirement to become the new Viceroy of the Imperial Services (IMP), has quickly demonstrated how the affiliation will work under his rule. Choosing to bypass any of the diplomatic avenues open to him, he has launched a public ultimatum to House LiQuan (HLQ): to deliver Demetrius Liquan to the IMP to face trial for murder and to remove the contested status of the Dolphinus System claim. The alternative, according to the Viceroy, is "the full wrath of the Imperial army and navy". House LiQuan replied with excuses and evasiveness, meaning, like everyone expected, that they have no intention to do what the Viceroy asked.

Did Viceroy Githyanki really expect the HLQ to comply with those demands or was the ultimatum just a formal warning that he intends to wage war on them? Why did he choose to issue an ultimatum and threaten House LiQuan with war instead of using his position in the Triumvirate to address the HLQ offenses? Wouldn't a non-violent response be more appropriate to deal with the LiQuan problem without allowing them to play the role of victims? Doesn't he fear that such moves could reignite the civil war? We asked these and other questions to the Viceroy, and he gave the same answer to all of them: "No comment."

But there is still hope that a war can be avoided. We learned from Thomas S. Jackson, Supreme Commander of the Confederate Forces (CNF), that there are undergoing attempts to resolve the IMP-HLQ disagreement in a manner acceptable to both affiliations. Understandably, he couldn't give us any details on what must be a delicate negotiation involving two allies of the CNF.

In what seems to be a side effect of this situation, the IMP have also announced they would be stopping their wars against the KRL (despite their recent and still unrepentant involvement with piracy), the COH (despite their alliance with the RCF rebels) and the OPS (despite their ties to slavery). As retired FET member Peregrine Lanner sarcastically commented, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for that gives them freedom to point their war machine somewhere else."


What is the real connection between RIP and RCF?
by Ringo Baxter, exclusive for the GGG

The facts: Several of the Halo Periphery assets previously owned by the so-called Real Confederate Forces (RCF) are now flying the colors of the Regular Independent Privateers (RIP), including starbase RIP Freedom Town (57224), previously known as RCF New (57224), and platform RIP Freedom Defender (41585), previously known as RCF Arinna Defender (41585), both in the Hitite System.

Optimistic explanation: Following the successful IMP campaign against the RCF on planet Alalus, resulting in the total destruction of the starbase RCF New Darkfold (26477), the RCF leaders realized they couldn't avoid the loss of their remaining assets in the Halo Periphery and decided to sell them all to the RIP, who happened to have enough spare cash after the sale of a starbase in the Solo System.

Pessimistic explanation: After the reported demise of their leader GT Spugman, the RIP secretely fell under the control of the RCF. Both affiliations are working together and the reflagging of assets is just a ruse to avoid attacks from the IMP, who at the moment don't seem interested in waging war against the RIP.

What's your theory?
