GGG - Issue 30 - 211.52.5

Falconian Republic Assimilated into Dewiek Elder Nation
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

It's a very uncommon decision for the leader of a sovereign nation to let their political identity be merged into that of another nation, and with that all of their assets and claims. But that is exactly what Consul Armand chose for the Falconian Republic (FCN) when they were absorbed by the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN). We spoke with him to try to understand this surprising move.

GGG: The announcement of the merging of the FCN into the DEN was a surprise to many people. What were the reasons for this political change?

Armand: Auguries all predicted the end of the FCN on this day. Many noble houses had planned to prevent this, yet it took Armand the Clever Magpie to turn this event to a triumph.

GGG: What is to become of the current assets and claims of the FCN? Are they all going to be simply reflagged DEN or is there a more complicated plan in motion?

Armand: All will be DEN.

GGG: What changes will the DEN make to accommodate the Falconians? Will they change the name of their nation to something like the Dewiek and Falconian Nation?

Armand: Falconians ask for no accommodations. We will show our value within the DEN as we showed our worth in the Consortium.

GGG: Falconians and Dewiek can be the best of friends but there will always be a fundamental separation between the two races, as the Falconians lack the empathic abilities of the Dewiek. Do you fear that, as a consequence, the Falconians could eventually become "second class citizens" of the Dewiek Elder Nation?

Armand: We embrace our differences and celebrate our similarities. Falconians will operate to our strengths as Falconians and Dewiek to their strengths as Dewiek. We are each poorly equipped to pretend to be the other. There are no second class citizens in Dewiek society.

GGG: The Dewiek seem to be a belligerent race by nature, and much more so recently under the command of Adoqhina. The Falconians, however, seem to be a much more diplomatic race. How do you expect those two stances to coexist under the same affiliation? And are the Falconians really willing and prepared to become entangled in all the fights the DEN like to pick?

Armand: You and your readership are unworthy to understand or judge the honour of the Dewiek Nation and its leader. I would suggest you never voice this question to them. DEN belligerent? Pick fights? How can you say such a thing? [Editor's note: In the last couple of months the DEN were engaged in battle with CNF, GTT, HLQ and RVN, and insulted members of the DTR, FEL, FET, RVN, and perhaps others. This is why we call them belligerent.] And the diplomatic Falconians have fought IMP, DNA, Krell, FLZ, COH, OPS, USN, TCA (and I may have missed a few) in our short history. It is all a question of perspective. I know where yours comes from.


Cheap Shots
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

+ After hearing that the FCN had merged into the DEN, Bone Smash, leader of the KRL, exercised his legendary diplomatic touch by launching an ultimatum to the Falconians: "Get the rest of the filth off our homeworld." A homeworld that has been bombed quite a few times and a homeworld in a system that is currently unclaimed. Yes, that will end well.

+ The BHD have designated the planet Aquae Fortis, in the New Sol System, as a shrine world for their faith in the Tue One. This is the first place to receive such official recognition, and a festive season will commemorate the event. There are rumours that only water was ordered for the party and that a miracle is expected to turn it all into wine.

+ Overheard in a starport pub in Yank: What is the best business deal you could make in all the peripheries? Buy a Dewiek for what he is really worth and sell him for what he thinks he is worth.


Happy New Year

We at the Great Galactic Gazette wish you a great new year, with less pirates to steal from you, with less greedy merchants to overcharge you and with less egotistical warmongers to tell you what to do.


GGG - Issue 29 - 211.50.1

Lysander's Garden, a New Planet
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG

This week the Confederate Naval Forces (CNF) announced the completion of an ambitious project, the creation of a new planet in the Sol system. Named Lysander's Garden (7658), in honour of Emperor Lysander, this new 4x4 world will serve as a farm planet and will provide a steady supply of food to Earth. We talked with Smokes in Mountains, the Mohache who had a key role in this enterprise.

GGG: What exactly was your involvement in the creation of the new planet Lysander's Garden and how did you accomplish such a daunting task?

SiM: The Mohache provided the technology and method of construction underlying the new planet, which were developed over several years.

GGG: What would you estimate was the total cost in stellars for this project and how long did it take to complete it?

SiM: The total cost is immaterial when compared to the benefits it brings to the people of the Sol system. However, suffice to say that the materials used to construct Lysander's Garden represent more than three years of manufacturing efforts, involved nearly two million MUs worth of life-support-freight, and in total represent several hundred thousand Mohache Carved Gems worth of investment.

GGG: Have the Mohache had any direct contact with the population of Earth and, if so, what was their reaction in the presence of aliens?

SiM: We have had no contact with the population of Earth. Indeed we purposefully requested the Confederacy to supply us with Human employees to work on the construction project in order to not offend the Human inhabitants of Sol. The Garden will shortly be home to 160,000 human civilians who will work the farms using further technology, equipment and agricultural tools provided by the Mohache and Confederacy.

GGG: Going forward, what are the Mohache plans for your presence in the Inner Empire and in particular in the Sol System?

SiM: This remains to be seen. We hope that the construction of the Garden will go a long way to altering the perception of alien species in the Inner Empire, and we intend to maintain the central embassy farming outpost MOH Old Mohdonald's (90227) on Lysander's Garden as a potential trading starbase. Obviously, all food produced from the new planet will be provided free to the hungry masses of Earth.


Hard Times for Small Affiliations?
by Kaspar Khan, exclusive for the GGG

A few months ago, a wave of independent sentiment seemed to be going through the galaxy and many starcaptains were more likely to create their own official or unofficial tiny little organization than to join one of the established larger affiliations out there. But now the harsh realities of daily life in the peripheries are imposing their toll and the result appears to be a clear decline in the activity of these Lilliputian entrepreneurs. The ACE became inactive before being acquired and renamed to ARH. The IDC seem to be inactive and there are rumours of pirates roaming in orbit of one of their starbases. The TAG were dismantled and sold, apparently to the MOH, and their flag may become restricted to one single fixed asset. Messages to the ICE remain unreplied, which many suggest they are also inactive. We talked with two people involved with these small operations. Coincidence or not, both of them speak in some sort of unusual patois.

Mr. Rlo, from the TAG

GGG: Why was the TAG for sale?

Rlo: Got attacked by pirate scummers and no one came to my help. Twenty innocent taggers down for the count. I kinna take the stress and I'm no warrior sos was not even sure how to set up new ships under construction at Pershin. I can't take it no more. Any talk of de pleasure slave scandal is pure rubbish from that no good SSS rag.

GGG: What made the TAG go through so many changes in such a short period - creation of a new affiliation, change of ownership, now sale and possible dismantlement?

Rlo: Iffen I have me choice someone will take over the TAG. I talked to four diff chappies bout takin over but all was just lookin to take pieces or wouldna commit to the big chair. Sos iffen i cannot sell as one I'm breakin it up into parts and sellin off.

GGG: What are you going to do after the TAG is sold? Join an affiliation, become an independent starcaptain, or retire?

Rlo: No one has bought the TAG tag. Me plan is to open the biggest baddesst casino this side of earth. Jiggly Room won't have no jiggly when I'm done! I'm not much for flyin round in starships, I like bein on the ground surrounded by me lovelies and that is where I be stayin.

Mr. Reverte, from the ARH

GGG: Is your affiliation still active? We have heard very little from you lately.

Reverte: Yes. I build slowly affiliation. I find early some people good to talk to. So I talk to them in provate them if I need item.

GGG: ACE or ARH? Who is who there, who bought who, and why?

Reverte: I merge with ACE. I change affiliation name to Alvaro Reverte Holdings (ARH).

GGG: Could you please give us more details on this? You merged what with ACE? Weren't you IND? If so, did you buy ACE from the previous owners or did you join ACE and then the affiliation changed names? Were are the previous owners of ACE?

Reverte: I start IND. I talk to EEM about ACE. ACE not run. They say OK to join ACE and change name to ARH. I know not of old ACE owners.

GGG: What are you working on currently?

Reverte: I build starbase on Will o'the Wisp on Faery. Planet is terraformed now. So better place for starbase. I have not too many ships so it take long time!
