Interview: Ike Krieger, former IMP Viceroy, now a GTT member
by Tess Olsen, exclusive for the GGG
At first it felt like it would be an awkward meeting. Mr. Ike Krieger greeted us without even standing up from his comfortable chair. But after a few moments the retired general of the Imperial Services, former IMP Patrol Commissioner, former IMP Viceroy, seemed to mellow out a bit and, with a new found smile, offered us a chair. Perhaps we were witnessing the first traces of his new civilian life sprouting out. Or perhaps it was just the effects of Mohache Cigar or the nondescript beverage he had in his hands.
GGG: Why did you decide to leave the IMP?
Krieger: I have spent my life in the Imperial Services. I fought in two wars against the combined forces of the rebels and the Detinus Republic and honestly thought that I would die some day with my boots on and a blaster in each hand, defending the Empire that I love. But then came the peace, my tenure as Viceroy and a feeling that I had done all that I could do for the Imperial Services and that from this point forward I would just be coasting. Yawn. Kriegers are not coasters. We need challenge and excitement, and with peace those can only be found in the corporate world, where incidentally I might make a few stellars as well.
GGG: How did Githyanki, rumored to be retiring, then rumored to be creating a splinter faction of the IMP, suddenly became the new Viceroy in what seems a big change of direction for the affiliation?
Krieger: It is no secret that Githyanki is favored by the Emperor. Anyone who thinks Emperor Lysander is a figurehead is in for a nasty surprise. As an Imperial officer I took an oath to serve the Empire and die for that Empire if necessary. It seemed that if I retired it would be easier for all concerned and much less painful than dying.
GGG: Why did you choose to join the GTT?
Krieger: I am intensely loyal to the Empire. I have certain skills that the GTT are willing to pay me generously for. There were numerous offers to my resume, but I cannot change who and what I am and thus I am self-limited in what offers I could accept.
GGG: You used to have an interest in shipbuilding. Will the Krieger family continue in that line of business?
Krieger: For a general, I do have an intense interest in all things naval. I expect to design and produce multiple types of ships for the GTT and very likely for public sale.
GGG: Do you plan to have a political role in the GTT? Or will the former leader of the Imperial Services be content as just one of the hoi polloi?
Krieger: Ike Krieger is a team player. Rumours that I'll have James Strykers' seat at HQ are totally unfounded! Just another guy? That's for the PR people. In reality a Krieger's ego is too big to be that restrained. You won't print that last part, will you?
GGG Presents the Great Trade Race (TM)
by Cornelius Merryheart, exclusive for the GGG
As an incentive to free trade in the peripheries, we at the Great Galactic Gazette have decided to organize the first Great Trade Race (TM). It will be a friendly competition in which enterprising starcaptains will use one single cargo ship to buy and sell specific goods in a series of starbases across the galaxy, trying to be the first to complete the full circuit. Besides the profit to be made from the trade runs themselves, there will be a medal and a huge first prize in shiny stellars to be paid to the winner and also prizes for two runners-up. The full rules will be published at a later date.
At this point, we are accepting participants in three categories:
Competitors - Starcaptains can enter the competition with one single ship, of any configuration, capable of carrying 2,400 MUs of normal cargo. All flags (except PIR) are welcome. To be part of the Great Trade Race (TM), send a message to the GGG stating the ship name, registration number and specs (flag, class, number of hulls), as well as the name of the officer in charge.
Markets - Starbase governors are invited to participate by offering to buy and sell goods in packages of 2,400 MUs, with a minimum commitment of selling 24,000 MUs of one item and buying 24,000 MUs of another item. All flags (except PIR) are welcome, as long as the markets are accessible to anyone and the orbits are safe for anyone (except PIR). To be part of the Great Trade Race (TM), send a message to the GGG stating the starbase name, registration number and location, as well as a list of items and quantities you want to buy and sell.
Sponsors - There are four sponsorship quotas for sale, each with a value of 250,000 stellars. The total will cover the prizes and the administrative costs. All sponsors will receive advertisement space in the GGG and in all Great Trade Race (TM) communications. To be a sponsor of the Great Trade Race (TM), send a message to the GGG stating you name, affiliation, and the number of quotas you want to purchase. We will also consider the donation of items to be added as extra rewards for the participants.